#how sweet is this

lulukind: Happy Birthday @bonhamxcarter I wrote this haiku for you(sorry if my handwriting is a bi


Happy Birthday @bonhamxcarter I wrote this haiku for you

(sorry if my handwriting is a bit wobbly, it’s hard to use a calligraphy brush when you’re left handed)

@lulukind - I am so sorry for not replying sooner darling. Thank you so much though, this honestly is so sweet and it really put a smile on my face! 

This is a lovely piece of writing by the way my dear, truly beautiful and I love it. Thank you again angel♡♡

Post link


“For Prince Harry’s first Father’s Day, Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex, got him a bench.

"As most of us do, you go, what am I going to get them as a gift? And I thought I just wanted something sentimental and a place for him to have as a bit of a home base with our son,” Meghan says.

And on a little plaque on the back of the bench, she wrote a poem, about the moments she hoped they would share on that bench.“


@stonegrotweek Day Seven: The Future

When the Darkening vanishes and the surviving Gelfling make their way to the Castle to investigate, Deet and Rian are met with a wonderful surprise ❤️

Thanks for another wonderful Stonegrot Week, see you all next time!
