#rian x deet



I love the chemistry between Rian and Deet ❤️ Rian is so gentle and Sweet

Collage made by @stonewoodsifa

I cannot believe the Rian and Deet posts are still going strong. I love!


Hello friends, just a reminder that we will be reblogging any Stonegrot Week posts until October 3rd. We know creativity takes some time and we’re always excited for content.

the themes for Stonegrot Week (Year 3!) were:

September 20th — Day One: Kiss The Girl. Rian initiates a kiss with Deet. It could be their first kiss or their millionth, it’s up to you.

September 21st— Day Two: Afternoon Delight. Rian and Deet share a perfect afternoon together.

September 22nd— Day Three: The Night Before. Something special takes place one night between Rian and Deet. It could be a conversation or maybe an intimate moment. The plot is up to you.

September 23rd— Day Four: The Morning After. A follow up to Day Three’s events. What happens between Rian and Deet after The Night Before? *If you didn’t participate in Day Three, that’s okay, create something you believe would take place between Rian and Deet spending a morning together. The plot is up to you.

September 24th— Day Five: Yesterday’s Feeling. This could be a follow up to Day Four’s events, or a headcanon during an Age of Resistance episode. What were Rian and Deet feeling for one another? The plot is up to you.

September 25th— Day Six: Tomorrow’s Promise. Rian and Deet make a promise to each other. Maybe about their future together? maybe about loving and protecting each other against the Skeksis? What will it be?

September 26th— Day Seven: The Future. Create a headcanon for what you think Rian and Deet’s future looks like.

Make sure you include the tags #Stonegrot and either #Stonegrot Week #StonegrotWeekand#Day (x). You can also add @stonegrotweek to your post(s) so we can see and reblog.


The Future-Stonegrot week- Day Seven

“Prophecy. Visions. I know the Sifan are known for their soothsaying, but haven’t you got any practical advice?” Rian huffed as he eyed the mug of ale Onica had sat in front of him. He was exhausted from burning his candle at both ends with little in the way of how this prophecy came to be. Onica glanced at Brea who nodded her head in approval.

“Well I might be able to give you some courtship advice. After all, you are the one that fathers the chosen one.” Onica chirped as Brea covered her mouth with her hand to keep from laughing. Rian had chosen the wrong time to drink his beverage. He sputtered and gasped for air before rasping out a reply.

“What?! Who?! I mean, what do you mean?”

Onica patted his hand with grin on her face.

“You and that sweet Grottan girl.”



What Rian and Deet do when they share a perfect afternoon together:


Deet teaches Rian some awesome Grottan Tricks :

Visit the the Grott Caves:

Make explosions for the resistance against the Skeksis

Ride landstriders

For@stonegrotweek 2021 Day 3- Afternoon’s delight


Hello friends, just a reminder that we will be reblogging any Stonegrot Week posts until October 3rd. We know creativity takes some time and we’re always excited for content.

the themes for Stonegrot Week (Year 3!) were:

September 20th — Day One: Kiss The Girl. Rian initiates a kiss with Deet. It could be their first kiss or their millionth, it’s up to you.

September 21st— Day Two: Afternoon Delight. Rian and Deet share a perfect afternoon together.

September 22nd— Day Three: The Night Before. Something special takes place one night between Rian and Deet. It could be a conversation or maybe an intimate moment. The plot is up to you.

September 23rd— Day Four: The Morning After. A follow up to Day Three’s events. What happens between Rian and Deet after The Night Before? *If you didn’t participate in Day Three, that’s okay, create something you believe would take place between Rian and Deet spending a morning together. The plot is up to you.

September 24th— Day Five: Yesterday’s Feeling. This could be a follow up to Day Four’s events, or a headcanon during an Age of Resistance episode. What were Rian and Deet feeling for one another? The plot is up to you.

September 25th— Day Six: Tomorrow’s Promise. Rian and Deet make a promise to each other. Maybe about their future together? maybe about loving and protecting each other against the Skeksis? What will it be?

September 26th— Day Seven: The Future. Create a headcanon for what you think Rian and Deet’s future looks like.

Make sure you include the tags #Stonegrot and either #Stonegrot Week #StonegrotWeekand#Day (x). You can also add @stonegrotweek to your post(s) so we can see and reblog.


Stonegrot Week Day 7 - The Future

Last year, I did some fluff for @stonegrotweek … Now, time for sadness! We all know how things will end for our beloved Gelfling friends…

“Two attempts to save the Crystal. One too soon, a life lost in both.”

I always thought that if season two happens in a way or another, Rian would not witness someone he loves dying…again! It would be his turn to lose his life saving a loved one and of course, it would be for his precious Deet. In her vision, we can see Rian trying to restore the Crystal but it doesn’t work. Certainly because it’s not the Great Conjunction yet? In my theory, that attempt makes the Crystal save Deet from the Darkening consuming her, but Rian is very soon circled by the Skeksis and Deet can’t save him…

…Like what happens to Jen and Kira in the end of the movie. Their existence parallels Rian, Deet and the rest of the resistance. Jen is maybe a Stonegrot son, or Kira, but one thing is for sure: they are the hope that couldn’t exist without them, without their love for each other and for Thra. A love that ended up saving the Gelfling race.


@stonegrotweek Day Seven: The Future

When the Darkening vanishes and the surviving Gelfling make their way to the Castle to investigate, Deet and Rian are met with a wonderful surprise ❤️

Thanks for another wonderful Stonegrot Week, see you all next time!


the future - stonegrot week day 7

prompt: create a headcanon for what you think rian and deet’s future looks like


“Mama? What are you doing?”

Deet glanced down at her son, silently gushing at his little gap toothed smile. “I’m working on a new sweater for you, sweetie.” She held up a tangled ball of red yarn being held between two knitting needles, “Winter’s just around the corner after all.”

Jen watched astonished as the mesh of red slowly began to take shape into something resembling a collar, then a sleeve, and very soon another sleeve to join it. He toddled closer to the side of the bed, beckoning Deet to scoop him up so he could get a better look.

“Would you like to give it a go?”

His big blue eyes widened slightly. “Really mama? Can I?”

Deet smiled warmly. “Of course you can. It’s your sweater after all - you should have a hand in making it too.”

Slowly did she guide her little one to sit between her thighs, placing her hands atop his and working them through the motions until the individual crimson spools were being tightly fastened to one another. At some point, Deet began to sing to him. A gentle melody that spilled effortlessly from her lips and filled the once still and quiet of the bedroom. Jen flickered his tiny ears in delight, briefly letting his mother take over knitting as he sunk into her inviting warmth.

That’s when the door creaked open and a pair of deep cobalt eyes greeted them affectionately.

“Should I just leave this and be on my way?” Rian chuckled, a playful lilt to his voice. He gestured with his head to the tray of tea and mini confections that Brea had dropped off from the Vapran marketplace. “You two seem pretty occupied with one another. Would hate to interrupt.”

Deet rolled her eyes fondly, already making room for Rian on the bed. “Well you could,but then you’d be missing out on some wonderful cuddle time, and that sounds awfully dreadful doesn’t it?”

The Stonewood laughed a little louder this time. “Oh absolutely, Deethra.”

Kicking off his boots, Rian placed the tray on the nightstand and took his place at his wife’s side, bending his head down to leave a quick peck on Jen’s forehead. It was then that Deet decided the knitting could wait until later. She had promised cuddles, and both her boys looked in desperate need of them. Especially Rian, who seemed particularly weary after running his earlier errands.

“Settle in my dears….” she cooed, wrapping her arms around both of them. “We’ve got the rest of the day to do absolutely nothing at all….”

Hello friends, just a reminder that we will be reblogging any Stonegrot Week posts until October 3rd. We know creativity takes some time and we’re always excited for content.

the themes for Stonegrot Week (Year 3!) were:

September 20th — Day One: Kiss The Girl. Rian initiates a kiss with Deet. It could be their first kiss or their millionth, it’s up to you.

September 21st— Day Two: Afternoon Delight. Rian and Deet share a perfect afternoon together.

September 22nd— Day Three: The Night Before. Something special takes place one night between Rian and Deet. It could be a conversation or maybe an intimate moment. The plot is up to you.

September 23rd— Day Four: The Morning After. A follow up to Day Three’s events. What happens between Rian and Deet after The Night Before? *If you didn’t participate in Day Three, that’s okay, create something you believe would take place between Rian and Deet spending a morning together. The plot is up to you.

September 24th— Day Five: Yesterday’s Feeling. This could be a follow up to Day Four’s events, or a headcanon during an Age of Resistance episode. What were Rian and Deet feeling for one another? The plot is up to you.

September 25th— Day Six: Tomorrow’s Promise. Rian and Deet make a promise to each other. Maybe about their future together? maybe about loving and protecting each other against the Skeksis? What will it be?

September 26th— Day Seven: The Future. Create a headcanon for what you think Rian and Deet’s future looks like.

Make sure you include the tags #Stonegrot and either #Stonegrot Week #StonegrotWeekand#Day (x). You can also add @stonegrotweek to your post(s) so we can see and reblog.


Stonegrot Week(Year3): The Future

Elderly Rian and Deet

Elderly Rian and Deet

Elderly Rian and Deet

Elderly Rian and Deet

Elderly Rian and De-

The idea of them growing old together is so wholesome to me, can you tell?



@stonegrotweek day 7: the future

The last day of stonegrot week is today and I’m sad. This is a no garthim wars AU, where the gelfling didn’t die and everyone lived happily ever after.

In this timeline Rian and Deet end up having four kids, two girls and two boys their names go from right to left:

Ordon, their third child who is two trine old in this picture.

Jen, the oldest and is around 12 trine old in this picture.

Aya, their second child and is 10 trine old in this picture.

And finally Hope, the youngest and she is around 7 unums old in this picture.

I had a whole lot of fun with stonegrot week and can’t wait for the next stonegrot week! Happy shipping


heyo, friends. breaking my accidental hiatus to actually participate in @stonegrotweek for once! 

for the record, this is set in my strange trails “good timeline” sequel? you might be missing some context if you haven’t read the behemoth that is strange trails. you might be missing some context even if you have read it. that’s fine.

I wrote most of this earlier this summer, but spent some time editing & tweaking this weekend. please note: it is still very much a rough draft, but I have miles to go before I can actually post any sequel stuff on ao3 so that’s okay. I just wanted to share something for the event.

WARNINGS: some light sexytimes (there is actually a steamier version that will live in my google docs forever). also, mentions of childbirth (not at all graphic).

anyway, on that note, here you go. a little glimpse into a stonegrot future, in approximately 1500 words.

Keep reading

September 26th—

It’s officially Day 7ofStonegrot Week! Today’s theme is ‘The Future’. We’re looking forward to seeing your submissions!

It is the last day of Stonegrot Week (Year 3!) and we’ve had such a wonderful time seeing all the phenomenal creations from The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance fandom. Thank you to everyone who participated, whether you have created a piece for the week or if you’ve been supporting the fans by reblogging/liking their posts. It means a lot to us and to The Dark Crystal fandom as a whole that we still care so deeply about these characters and its fictional universe. The celebration still continues as we will still be accepting late submissions after today until next week, October 3rd. Be sure to continue following this page… there may be a Stonegrot Week (Year 4!) in the future.


@stonegrotweek day 6: tomorrow’s promise

For a little context: this is during the garthim wars, and I imagine that there will be a point where the remaining gelfling are hiding in some sort of safe zone, and every unum or so they have to send out a group of gelfling to leave the safe zone to get food, supplies etc. However, the garthim swarms are getting more and more frequent, and it gets more dangerous to leave the safe zone.

This comic takes place during their second or third exposition outside the safe zone, and after an incident Deet starts worrying for Rian’s safety. Rian promises to return to Deet and their future childling every time he leaves.

Sorry if this is a little angsty, I post something really cute tomorrow to make up for it. :)


@stonegrotweek Day Six: Tomorrow’s Promise

The day Jen learned to crawl was the day Rian and Deet lost him, so over the trine, they’ll often dreamfast that last happy memory of their son, promising each other that they’ll be reunited one day.


Stonegrot Week(Year 3)Day 6: Tomorrow’s Promise

I promise that everything will be alright but you need to let me help you.

I went with an angsty turn :”)

We all know how TDC ended and I always imagined that Deet left in order to keep others safe even if she was miserable, but of course her friends,family and Rian would have not allowed it. It probably took more than one time but I imagine that Rian would keep promising her that everything would be alright, that she could be healed, that she is not a treat to the gelfling,etc. She kept her distance but eventually let herself be helped… or at least that’s what we hope for.

This one is really up to interpretation but I find it bittersweet in a good way. Deet was suffering but Rian’s promises were probably one of the few things that gave her hope. Even if she didn’t say it out loud.



@stonegrotweek Day Five: Yesterday’s Feeling

What would a ship week be without me falling asleep on the couch before I could upload one of the entries?

Just a little follow-up to Day Four, in which Rian is super-excited about his bab. Deet’s happy he’s happy, but wishes Rian would be more careful!
