#how to pay for college



I’ve only been rebloging stuff until now on Net Neutrality, but I need to speak out myself about this.

How many of you are in college, planning to go to college, have graduated college, or heard about college?

Well we all know that college is not free! And most importantly, it’s considered a necessity to your financial path as most jobs now adays require a degree of some sorts.

And since the internet is where you email teachers, do lectures, classes, homework, I doubt colleges will stop doing online work. So the cost from losing Net Neutrality is just going to factor into your tuition.

Need to buy a textbook from a class?

Too bad you can’t load amazon and when you do, the shipping for the book is $15+ and the library copy is out.

Say good-bye to googling helpful research for projects, hello library books! Hopefully they have some books on your topic!

Need to email your teacher a question for that assignment you procrastinated on?

Well too bad! You’re email won’t load because you’re a poor college student! Looks like you’ll have to take a bad grade!

Are you needing to send your students a document for the upcoming test?

Too bad some of them didn’t buy the google package, so they won’t be able to see it anyway!

Need internet in general for online class takers or just regular students?

No problem! I guess we’ll just make college more expensive so every student can have a school owned laptop with fast lane internet so they can do the work!

I mean, not like college is expensive or anything. All those low income families can afford to be in debt for a decade or so longer!

Please, please, PLEASE speak out against this! Don’t let the topic be silenced!

