



pairing:stranger!renjun x gn!reader |genre: angst | word count: 353

You couldn’t help but stare at the stranger in your summer art class. He sat across the table from you, and he was gorgeous. 

He had the deepest brown eyes you’d ever seen, which sparkled with mischief when he smiled and caused butterflies in your stomach when he glanced at you. 

He had a beautiful smile, his top canines slightly crooked, but the imperfection seemed to suit him perfectly. He lit up the whole room when he smiled, and you couldn’t find the power to look away. 

You were absolutely in love with his laugh. The way he threw his head back and laughed — really laughed, not just a small chuckle — made you feel so comfortable. You were so amazed that he could laugh so loudly and so strongly without feeling embarrassed, and you found yourself giggling along with him more times than you realised. 

He had introduced himself as Renjun on the first day of class, extending out his hand for you to shake, a spark running up your arm at the touch. You found out watercolour painting was his favourite — he loved how the paint seemed to have a mind of its own as it swirled along his paper. 

When you were tasked to paint a portrait, there was only one person beautiful enough you wanted to capture in an artwork, although you could argue that he was already artwork himself. You studied the lines of his face every lesson, making sure you didn’t get a single feature wrong. The art teacher came along and stated it was the prettiest portrait she’d seen in a long time. 

At the end of the term, as your art class was finishing, you intended to talk to Renjun — to ask for his number and whether he wanted to catch up outside of class. You packed up your equipment and when you looked back up, he had left. 

You tried to search him up online, but there was no trace of him. You pinned the portrait you’d painted to your wall, the only remnant of the stranger who had stolen your heart that one summer.
