#hsv2 mention



STD’s and Aphrodite/Other Gods

Lets talk about something i havent seen shared in the witchcraft/polytheistic community.

STD’s/STI’s and the Gods.

I was diagnosed in November 2020 with HSV-2, aka, Genital Herpes.

It was hard to grasp. I remember sitting in excruciating pain in a room in the ER, in front of a nurse and an ob/gyn, trying not to ugly cry as a million thoughts ran through my head. I had so many questions, worries, thoughts, and fears. It felt like my world was crashing down.

Sometimes, it still feels that way.

But the biggest and scariest thing that made my chest ache with sadness and pain- was the fear that i couldnt and wouldnt ever be loved again.

I feel like theres this HUGE stigma against people who have been diagnosed with STD’s/STI’s that are both incurable and curable. Your whole world feels like its ending, and you might even feel gross or unlovable- or even worse, you might even question how your own deities feel about this.

Now, my point is this: your deities still and always will, love you. This is mostly directed to Aphrodite and her devotees who have any sexually transmitted diseases or infections. As a Goddess who partially specializes in sex and love, its easy to think she would be disappointed or upset. But ill say this once, and ill say it again, YOU ARE NOT YOUR ILLNESS.

Aphrodite loves all of her children. do you think shes spent any time shunning or being disappointed in any of them for an illness? NO! I can just IMAGINE her unleashing her absolute wrath on someone who would EVER make her children feel bad for an illness.

This goes for other Gods/Goddesses.

Deities love their children and i believe its so important we know that we will ALWAYS be loved by our deities. WE ARENT OUR ILLNESSES!

Concerning Aphrodite and STD’s/STI’s, i believe its important we know that we can still be loved. We can still find romance, sex, and pleasure of any kind. Aphrodite, almighty, is the Goddess of Love. how could we never find love again, if SHE LOVES US?! Im not even sure how to put it into words, properly. But i just truly believe she would cuddle you to sleep and tell you itll all be alright- and that shes cooking up something special and loving, just for you.

Your illness is not who you are. Embrace it. Fuck whoever tells you otherwise. Fuck it all! You are sexy, you are loved, you WILL (if you havent already) find love, and your deities love you. Always. Not “in spite” of it, but because of how it makes you, you.

STD’s and STI’s are just something you have, but they arent you. You arent disgusting. You are loved. Especially by your loved ones- and your deities.

In addition: pls message me if you need support
