#huge goddamn mood



maybe listening to the same album for the 7th time in a day will fix me






Honestly I should talk about the ace experience more. I don’t see enough. Like–obviously it’s dehumanizing to be repeatedly compared to robots or aliens but uh…sometimes it feels like that?? 

My husband will get all horny while I’m, I don’t know, changing out of sweaty gardening clothes. And I’ll be like, “But we have to make lunch?? I stink? Now is not a good time?? Logic?” And clearly it’s not about logic to him. He is experiencing the entire scenario very differently. And I’m here like, 

Or the times where you realize that like, having an actual physiological reaction to attractive people is not some enculturated metaphor, and people are actually doing that all around you all the time, and you’re like, Ah, clearly my studies of human culture have been incomplete. I have missed a critical psychosocial component. Many things now appear in a different light. *takes notes on holopad*

friend: he’s so gorgeous I just want to lick him

me: that seems unsanitary

I’m demi in that really specific classic way where the entire standard allosexual-norm range of Attraction™ kicks in with the Right Person™†, and I have experienced this, which means I have this hilarious bridging ability where on the one hand yes I do know what that entire Physiological Suite of Responses is like (and yes it is just that insane) and yet on the other hand I’m still looking at actual allosexuals and I’m like, your life must be so exhausting. Like the times that this has happened to me derailed my entire life, and yet you seem to have this happening every third day, this is absurd.

And it happens to them with people they don’t even LIKE, sometimes! WILD. 

[†what are the parameters of Right Person? Fucked if I know - I know what’s NECESSARY, but not what’s SUFFICIENT. :palms up shrug!: 

#i thought those thirsty comments were the same level of saying ‘rolling on the floor laughing’ #you’re not actually doing that and was just some overdramatization (via mythgirl07)

I’m aroallo and I get this exact experience but from the inverse side of things, and let me tell you, it doesn’t get any less weird from this side
