

#PicardPositivity: Elnor and Relationships

It’s both Elnor day and relationships day!

While Elnor has important canon relationships — his mutual support for and with Seven of Nine brings me special happiness … and the hope that Elnor and Naomi Wildman can have a lovely comm call about their love for Seven — I readily admit to instantly shipping Hughnor:

They’re so sweet together and, as a Hugh Lives headcanonner, I wrote them a tiny story (rated G) to give them togetherness:

Also in terms of Picard relationships, I actually had a hard time seeing the canon Agnes Jurati and Cris Rios relationship … until I got some help from the lovely Picard fandom, leading me to write this ficlet (rated T) for those characters:

Finally, I’ve written a few fics for the Raffi Musiker and Seven of Nine relationship, but this one I co-authored with two friends was a fun crackfic (rated M) for how Raffi and Seven’s newfound love could affect various other relationships on La Sirena … and the motley crew’s ability to get some peace and quiet:
