#hui baby hands


Watch This Man Completely Change Size In Mere Seconds


211122 UCUBE - Hui:

Unis, I am Hui

the weekend is now ending..

[flowing sounds]ㅠㅠ [crying sounds]ㅠㅜ

Looking at the calendar, there’s about a year

that I have left [to serve]

As I opened my eyes, swoosh and 9 months passed by.

Have I overslept? Can’t be….

Still, sometimes I get to talk to members on the phone

That I can keep greeting Unis like this

I’m thankful and I liikee it a lootㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

Lately, I [do] this and that

I’ve been working hard and practicing well

don’t worry

Next year, with new Hui

let’s have fun

Playing is the best Pororoya~~~~

Next week too, let’s do our best

+ post 2:

But I’m still not sleepy yet, should we just play for next 10 minutes?

I like playing the best♡♡

Friends, gather around~~~

in which hui is an awkward introvert

until he gets actually shoved into the spotlight and transforms into the leader-spokesman-singer-dancer-performer that he is onstage
