#hurt comfort things



Rescuer half-carries Whumpee into a safe location and they are immediately mobbed by the rest of the team, getting Whumpee onto a stretcher and rushed off to a doctor.

Nobody notices as Rescuer stumbles, collapses against a wall, and slides to the ground.


caretaker tenderly patching up whumpee as they get progressively sleepier from exhaustion. caretaker keeps nudging them awake so they can finish patching whumpee up. the moment theyre done whumpee lays their head on the crook of caretakers neck. caretaker holds them and they sink bonelessly into caretakers arms. (sleep takes them swiftly, mercifully)


Genuinely so mad that cuddling is seen as a strictly romantic thing that’s so stupid cuddling is awesome and two consenting platonic pals should be allowed to cuddle as much as they want


I’m always such a sucker for when the whumpee hits that “so tired they can’t sleep” phase of an illness. every part of their body desperately needs rest, but their mind is feverish and whirling, anxious, unmoored and floating even though they’ve been stuck in bed for days. they close their eyes, but sleep doesn’t come, and they’re painfully aware of feeling too hot, too cold, too achy - too much of everything.

if there’s a caretaker, they do everything they can to make them comfortable - playing with their hair, singing them a lullaby, laying a cool cloth across their fevered forehead.

if they’re alone, they just lay there, wishing for the grey haze of unconscious to sweep them away until the wretched illness leaves them.



Whump words I’m weak for

“It’s ok. You’re safe, go back to sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.

“Stay down, you’re hurt.”

“Don’t look at it”

“We almost lost you a few times.”

“Hold still”

“Don’t you do that again.”

“I’m sorry, I know it hurts but I’ve gotta do this.”

“You’ve been out for days.”

“Breathe with me, in and out, you’re ok.”

“Stay with me” (obviously)

- yelling the unconscious persons name while holding them

“open your eyes, you can’t fall asleep. You gotta stay awake”

“This needs medical attention.”

Add your own!

“We need to get them to a hospital.”

“Hey, buddy.” (!!!!!)

“Im so proud of you…”

“Hush, rest now.”

“You look exhausted.”

“Shh. I’m here now, it’s ok.”

*murmured to an unconscious whumpee through tears* “C'mon, keep fighting. You’ve got this. Stay alive for me, please.”


Give me sudden collapses.  Please.

Give me stumbling and wavering and vision going blurry before going black.

Give me running and faltering and crumpling like a ragdoll.

Give me standing up mid-argument and words trailing off and eyes rolling back.

Give me slamming into things on the way down.  Give me frantic, scrambling catches by the unprepared.  Give me a soft thud and heads turning back in unison.

Give me curses, give me worry, give me eyes that close and do not open.

Give me a fight that’s over, give me looking up at the sky in relief, give me letting go.

Give me the sight of legs that no longer work, of eyes that flutter shut, of a body dropping to the floor.


I’m really feeling the “scars reveal” trope today

Character A feeling ashamed of the scars Whumper left behind, feeling alone, feeling like nobody could understand how it feels, until Character B quietly reveals how damaged their body is too. Kindred spirits. Is it reassuring? Does it make them feel even worse, knowing that someone else they care about has endured similar pain?


I was thinking about the hidden injury trope lately and you know what’s equally good? The opposite of that: Whumpee being open and honest about their injuries. They’re aware they’re gonna need to bother Caretaker, but they also know that dealing with their injuries on their own is a bad idea. If things get worse, it’s gonna make Caretaker’s job more complicated eventually.


We’ve all heard of boyfriend’s shirt but how about ✨' ✨?

@whump-side yessss I love these


  • Oversized clothing, especially big baggy sweaters with sleeves that fall over the hands. Great for hiding old wounds or just as something soft to hide in. Bonus points if the clothing belongs to Caretaker.
  • Being touch starved but overwhelmed by the thought of Caretaker actually touching them. Enveloping themselves in different textures and using a weighted blanket to ease them back into physical touch that won’t hurt. Maybe cuddling with a plushie or a pet.
  • Rolling into a tiny ball at perceived threats, trying to make themselves invisible. Alternatively, being a feral hissy kitten and needing to be calmed down.
  • Having all the knots and tangles gently brushed out of their hair <3
  • Having their hair stroked by Caretaker.
  • Having their hair washed by Caretaker.
  • Caretaker preparing their comfort foods.
  • Constantly asking Caretaker if Whumper knows where they are, and Caretaker’s heart breaking for the hundredth time as they patiently explain that Whumper won’t ever hurt them again.
  • Sleepy whumpees who can’t keep their eyes open, melting against Caretaker’s shoulder or into their lap as they fall asleep.
  • Whumpees that cling to their comfort items even after rescue. A blanket or family photo or a teddy bear constantly in their hand.
  • Whumpees waking up from the first sleep they’ve had in months that isn’t full of nightmares or night terrors. Rolling over and burying themselves in the covers for a lie-in, no longer afraid of the thought of sinking back into dreams.