

I have a question for Clownblr

I’ve recently been intrigued by the idea of owning pet clowns, and researching the many, many breeds, sub-breeds/mixed of clowns; I have a question- can a Juggalo be considered a breed of clown, or is it just within the same genus or even family?

Thank you to anyone who answers this question, I do not wish to be ignorant on this topic!!

MARVELLOUS MANTELLA – Natural History, Husbandry & Reproduction of the Malagasy Poison Frogs.

MARVELLOUS MANTELLA (Part 1) Natural History, Husbandry & Reproduction of the Malagasy Poison Frogs. By Joshua S. Ralph     INTRODUCTION Exotic species of fauna such as Reptiles, Amphibians, Invertebrates, Birds and even Fish have both fascinated and intrigued humans for centuries with menageries dating back to the thirteenth century and possibly even further. This is especially true regarding…

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Tokyo Salamander (Hynobius tokyoensis) Care Sheet

Author: Joshua S. Ralph. Establishment/Organisation: MantellaMan Conservation. First published: 21/02/16 Review date: Common name: Tokyo Salamander (Tokyo Lungless Salamander, Hynobid Salamander) Scientific name: Hynobius tokyoensis – Tago, 1931 Family: Hynobiidae Country of Origin: Japan Localities: Mainly distributed in the Fukushima Prefecture southwestwards through Tokyo to Kanagawa…

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@the-thinkingcat is it okay to hold cats like this? They don’t seem bothered at all but still…

so there’s no real harm to holding cats like this, but most cats won’t tolerate it. in this case, these cats are probably used to it and just chalk it up to some thing their owner does.

actually, checking out this person’s social media, it looks like the tabby is the only cat they haven’t had since kittenhood, so most likely the three persians are super used to handling and extremely tolerant, and the tabby as you can see is a little more annoyed – flat ears, somewhat more aggrieved body language. the tabby is also 17 pounds according to his instagram, so he’s also the heaviest and that probably makes this hold a bit less comfortable as well.

that said, again, all of these cats are tolerating this. with most stuff it’s a question of how the individual cat feels about it rather than a hard and fast rule of “all cats hate x” or “all cats like x” – so, as you noticed, these cats don’t seem really bothered, so you don’t really need to worry about them! just use care when replicating in case your own cat isn’t so tolerant.

(social media sources for this post:

noodles is here; age and weight info from the q&a section

squid and haku are here; age and weight info from the q&a section

atlas is here; adult adoption and weight info from the q&a section)

We got Tippex this slate hide recently and he never used it, so we gave it to Merry instead and he’s obsessed with it. He only stopped using when he was in shed and now he’s peeled it’s his favourite thing again

[id: an orange and white patterned cornsnake with black markings, leaning his head against a yellow water dish. In the background there’s a dark grey slate hide where the rest of his body is]
