#huxinting tea house

Huxinting Tea House in Shanghai, ChinaYour visit in Shanghai is not complete unless you have checked

Huxinting Tea House in Shanghai, China

Your visit in Shanghai is not complete unless you have checked out Huxinting Tea House. It was only in 1855 when this place was converted to a teahouse. It happened during the reign of Qing Dynasty’s Emperor Xianfeng.
The first name for Huxinting Tea House was Yeshi. Eventually, it became popular as Wanzai. Soon, it was again renamed as Mid-lake Pavilion Teahouse. The main reason why it got its latter name is because of the location of this teahouse.

The Huxinting Tea House is a great place to visit. The mere façade of this place is fascinating. Before you get to the main pavilion, there is an attention-grabbing bridge which is constructed with a zig-zag style. According to traditional Chinese beliefs, this zig-zag design is not only for aesthetic appeal. It is also important for keeping the evil spirits from getting into the pavilion.

This place is very sophisticated that when Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II visited Shanghai, she also spent some time in the Huxinting Tea House. She drank some tea with her entourage and some local personnel.

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