#i abandoned my boy dot gif




full rules are here 

in short, it’s a creative collaboration for kingdom hearts fans. if you’re an artist you get to work with a writer, if you’re a writer you get to work with an artist, if you’ve got something else going on entirely, let us know and we’ll figure something out. tell us what you’d like (or wouldn’t like) to work on and we’ll get you going on it and support you throughout.

no adult/minor ships, no NSFW, no exceptions. if you join please consider reblogging this to get the word out!

join ushere

hello everyone! its me mod  aka the idiot who made this blog aka @succubused 

you might be thinking, “wow, this dumb blog hasn’t posted in months and now they come back plugging some random event that isn’t even associated with the original premise! i would be sending anon hate right now if their asks were enabled!” and you would be right about that! (if you want to send anon hate, just send it to me directly, it’s more efficient.)

by way of explaining ourselves, the mods would like to first disclaim that we do still share one brain cell between all of us and we can only use it for one thing at a time, and right now we are using it to mod this project. we even use the same emoji signatures, so 1. if you miss us and 2. are a fan of or content creator for kingdom hearts (and i KNOW there are some of you reading this those kh braincell posts got a lot of notes), this post is an invitation to come join the project! if you just enjoy smashing reblog without reading the post first, that’s fine too and i still love you. 

(also, i know we kind of vanished suddenly, we all got caught up in kh3 and then personal lives and got overwhelmed and blah blah blah excuses excuses. if you reblog this and you want a limited edition no-longer-in-production brain cell flag, DM me on my main up there and ill see what i can do for you since i still have all the files.)
