#i actually love that movie


My roommate tends to turn on random movies when he’s puttering in the kitchen. His preference is for action movies that he’s seen a zillion times, so he doesn’t have to actually pay ATTENTION … so there are several regular visitors to our living room.

The running joke started out as “Die Hard wasn’t on, so …”

It then turned into “Any Bruce Willis movie is Die Hard:” The Fifth ElementisDie Hard in Space, Armageddon isthe OTHER Die Hard in Space,Hudson HawkisDie Hard: the Musical, that black-and-white Frank Miller movie is Sin Hard, The Sixth Sense isDead Hard.

It has since transmogrified to “EveryCable-Staple Action Movie is Die Hard.” Captain America: the First Die Hard. The 6th Day isClone Hard. The third Mad Max movie is Beyond Die Hard. The CGI/MoCap Beowulf isDie Hard & Dragons.

I just walked out to get a sandwich. Real Steel was on.

Roommate: “Die Hard wasn’t on, so …" 

 Me:"Rock'em Sock'em Die Hard.” 
