#i am going to fix it


OK REAL TALK who is going to take one for the team and write a fic on ao3 about Andrew’s spidey going back and Gwen being alive because of Electro being “fixed”

Electro fixed —> Gwen doesn’t pull the power thing —> Peter doesn’t get electrocuted —> She doesn’t rush down to check on him —> She isn’t in plain view when Harry comes —> Harry just takes Peter to the clock tower —> Fight happens but Gwen no die


Electro fixed —> Peter doesn’t fight him —> Harry comes —> Harry sees Max but doesn’t make the Peter connection —> Gwen no die


Do they each return to the point in time that they got pulled from? So will it then create more alternate universes? Does Max come back blue? Does the everyone forget Peter thing happen in Tobey’s and Andrew’s world too or only Tom’s? I HAVE MANY QUESTIONS!!!
