#i am very excited to see the grumpy boy in the wedding dlc


11. Sulky

Jamie sees Jeremy almost instantly. Besides being hard to miss with that green hair of his, he’s the only guy who seems to be sulking at the wedding. With a smile on their face, Jamie approaches the small grump, who in turn just seems to sulk moreif that was even possible.

“You know,” Jamie says with a chuckle and brushing their hair out of their face, “just because I invited you, didn’t mean you had to come.”

Jeremy pouts and avoids Jamie’s eyes. “I wanted to come.” It’s a blatant lie and they both know it. Jeremy hates social gatherings, but he heard Nurse Lynn’s voice encouraging him to come. So–against his better judgment–Jeremy showed up, knowing it would make Jamie happy.

“Good.” Jamie grins devilishly. “Then come dance with me.”

Before Jeremy can refuse, Jamie is pulling him to the dance floor.
