#i am with you completely on the song and the vibe




There’s something about the song “Rock the Boat” by Hues Corporation that gives me SUCH happy teenage snily vibes, but specifically the rusty-gold-tinged teenage snily vibes that @sneverussape draws and @deathdaydungeonwrites.

snily in gold tones

it’s 1974 and you’re both home for the summer. there’s a new curry shop in town and your fingers are stained gold red orange yellow. you browse through dust and new cellophane at the record shop the next town over. you are just old enough to take the bus alone. the telly plays quiz shows and you shout at the announcer from the kitchen over the sound of pots banging. you’ve been friends for five years but something feels different this summer. david bowie sings “it’s was god’s land/it was ragged and naive/it was heaven” and you know exactly what he means.

Based on works by @sneverussapeand@deathdaydungeon
