#i can fix her


my baby my baby or whatever mitski said

having insomnia who wants a glimweaver fic snippet

“Come back,” Glimmer grabbed at Shadow Weaver’s arm and pouted as she stepped down from the floating bed. She always seemed to disappear after sunrise.

“There’s a lot to be done. If I don’t get up with the sun, it might not all happen.” Glimmer held tighter.

“I really should—”

“As your Queen, I order you to come back here.” Shadow Weaver’s features softened.

“Of course. As you wish, my Queen.” The older woman returned to her spot beside Glimmer, who pulled a blanket up over her. She shifted as Glimmer wrapped her arms around her, body heat soaking back in. Glimmer looked peaceful with a soft smile painted on her face and her hair slightly messed up from sleeping (and maybe some other bedtime activities). Shadow Weaver still didn’t know why Glimmer had chosen her to spend her nights with, she still couldn’t really wrap her head around it. But she wouldn’t complain.

“Have I ever mentioned how beautiful you are?” Glimmer asked, looking into her eyes.

“We’ve agreed to disagree on that matter, yes,” Shadow Weaver glanced away. Very few people had seen her without her mask since she had assumed her current moniker. There were whispers in the Fright Zone that Shadow Weaver’s face was so ugly and grotesque beneath her mask that seeing it would cause someone’s heart to stop. They were only rumors, of course. That kind of power certainly would have helped her in the Horde. And naturally, those rumors did help strike fear into some people’s hearts, people who would do her bidding or at least leave her alone when she so desired.

But that life was behind her now. Even so, a voice in the back of her mind was telling her that she was anything but beautiful.

Glimmer brought a hand up, lightly tracing one of the many scars that webbed across her face. “Why do you think I keep asking you to come back here?”

“I assumed it was because you liked what I can do with my fingers, Your Majesty.”

Glimmer pouted again, a blush creeping over her face. She wouldn’t get distracted that easily.

“Maybe so,” Glimmer said, “but I also just like you. And I like to think you like me… otherwise, you’d have left by now. It’s not like you’re my prisoner anymore.”


delilah briarwood really went ‘i’m gonna torment young women for fun for my entire existence’ like girl what the hell happened to you

also it’s fucking wild that delilah canonically looks like vex (thanks tlovm for confirming that) and then she chooses to terrorize the vex lookalike that she murders and then brings back to life? shit is weird as hell!
