#i couldnt agree more



i said this once a long time ago on a different blog during a different time in my life, but i think, tonight, is a good night for it to be said once more:

kindness is an action, not an emotion. you can choose to be kind, you can choose who you gift that kindness to. you can fuel it with anger, you can fuel it with rage, you can fuel it with joy and sorrow and love. it can be awe-inspiring, it can be simple, but i think, in the world we live in, to choose kindness, above all else, is the most radical thing of all. 


with everything 7 does im just like fuck dude it sure is


As excited as I am to see more of Clea in the next Doctor Strange film, I’d love to see Illyana and Doom show up. I love the relationships Strange has with both of them and hope we get it on screen. I feel that Doom is very likely since Secret Wars is being set up and their sorta friendship was a big part of that story.
