#i cried about this several times



Somebody left a comment on my AO3 that reminded me that in spite of this being one of the coolest things that’s ever happened to me, I actually never made a post about it??? Absolutely wild.

Anyway I wrote a monologue about an autistic Julian Bashir making peace with his fractured identity and the things that were taken from him. And then Sid just went ahead and… performed it. 

This man has next to no social media presence so people outside of the social club he has might not be aware, but he is one of the gentlest and kindest people to his fans. He is SO interested in the interpretations we bring to the table, and genuinely wants to listen to and amplify all these different perspectives that get brought to the table (I am also just like. Particularly touched by his support of his trans fans but that’s another post for another time). 

My heart is so full every time I look back on this because all I really did was ask: could Julian Bashir be autistic? And to get this level of care and thoughtfulness and warmthput into my words as a response? I’m holding this next to my heart forever.

(Also for those who might like to read along, I have a copy of the script on my AO3)
