#i despise lord of the ringstm


The Tolkien Estate policy from their website….this is what I mean when I say modern copyright law is a disease that only protects mega corporations and discourages creativity and engaging with the works you love in any meaningful way haha


I Love how the major theme of lotr is that stories are like language, growing and changing with the culture that created them as new storytellers take over…….and yet currently the estate seems to have contempt for any “storyteller” who isn’t a massive faceless corporation.

The estate aren’t even Tolkien’s children anymore??? I find it VERY hard to believe they genuinely care about protecting the sanctity of whatever whatever, and even if they did it’d still be nonsense.

Taking an official stance against people using Tolkien’s languages for any use “commercial or otherwise,” and condemning anyone for making derivative works…..agh. I sorta knew this would happen but I still hurts.

I love for lord of the rings to be frozen in the state that it existed decades ago, legally unable to grow or change . I love for lord of the rings to be shackled to the bigotry of its author even though its author has been dead for like 50 years. I love for a story supposedly about the way legends and language evolve to be legally prevented from evolving .

And I can’t wait until their books are finally public domain in 20 years, as they should be already. Unless of course Amazon does what Disney did and gets the government to change copyright law so the books never enter the public domain.

I doubt the Tolkien estate will be like Anne rice and angrily send takedown notices for fanfic, it’s just really disheartening to see how much contempt they have for anyone who isn’t a corporation.

Agh, I hate to live in a world where all our stories can only be “owned” by faceless media conglomerates that mistreat their workers in order to farm out bland generic content….it really sucks
