#i do not deserve you




The Colour of Rain (Bucky Barnes x Reader)

Part 2

Summary: On the run from his violent past, Bucky has sought refuge in a small town in Mexico where he enjoys the peace and quiet of not understanding a word of Spanish. A peace that is violently disturbed when he runs into the most annoying woman he has ever met.


Warnings: None for this part

Note: A series in eight parts inspired by the enemies to lovers trope and my never-ending love for anything that is Mexico - the place where I rediscovered the beauty of life and where Bucky will too. Let me know if you want me to add you to the tag-list.

Previous Part|Masterlist | Series Masterlist

Day sixteen

Suddenly, she’s everywhere.

He sees her at his favourite place for an afternoon beer. She eats at his cochinita pibil place. Visits the local market on his preferred days. And every time he sees her, he turns on the spot and curses his inability to just ignore her. But fact is that no matter if he does run into her or not, everything about his day still revolves around her - it revolves around finding a route through the city that her presence has not yet corrupted, around hiding so she won’t sneak up on him all of a sudden, around keeping an eye out for her at all times. And when he finally does run into her, it revolves around the small, unsatisfactory peek he got before he forced himself to turn away.

He hates that suddenly his every thought is her, that his actions constantly take her into account, that his entire day is about wanting to see her but wanting to avoid her as well. That whether she’s there or not, all he can think about is her.

And her hips. Her waist. Her eyes. Her laugh.

Fuck, it’s gone too far already!

Keep reading

He sees her at his favourite place for an afternoon beer. She eats at his cochinita pibil place. Visits the local market on his preferred days. And every time he sees her, he turns on the spot and curses his inability to just ignore her. But fact is that no matter if he does run into her or not, everything about his day still revolves around her - it revolves around finding a route through the city that her presence has not yet corrupted, around hiding so she won’t sneak up on him all of a sudden, around keeping an eye out for her at all times. And when he finally does run into her, it revolves around the small, unsatisfactory peek he got before he forced himself to turn away.

He hates that suddenly his every thought is her, that his actions constantly take her into account, that his entire day is about wanting to see her but wanting to avoid her as well. That whether she’s there or not, all he can think about is her.

I honestly CAN’T explain how much I love it… I love the writing, I love Bucky in this, god I love the contradiction of his thoughts-

I just really, really love it

“Hi!” She smiles and raises an arm above her head in greeting. The sun is illuminating her very being, shining down on her cheeks and catching on her jewellery, making her look like something out of a dream that’s been sent to the middle of Mexico to counteract whatever dark thoughts he’d had just a few seconds before. She is in a blue dress today, short and bright, and even though he prefers the green one she wore to the market two days ago, she’s still stunningly beautiful.


You fucking master imagery, I can see and feel the sun, the bright colors, and her energy, I swear I can feel her energy and I love her to pieces.

It’s clear the travel’s being awesome to you, it has translated to your art, and babe, it is GLOWING.

And I could be wrong, but reader feels like a version of yourself designed for the story, I definitely feel the same kind of energy from you, what one could only describe as sunshine.

“Hope you had fun,” she laughs and settles in in her chair, turns her face towards the cloudless sky above them to soak up the sun. The golden thread in the blue fabric of her dress is glinting enticingly and his eyes involuntarily drop to the swell of her breasts before he can stop himself.

I can feel whenever he first touches her I’ll combust, I just know it’s gonna be an insanely good reading-

“- I can’t believe it took me weeks to find you again,” she chips happily and squints her eyes as she tries to take him in against the sharp sunlight. “I’ve been holding out an eye for you ever since we met but you’re a ghost it seems.”

He’s been avoiding you like the plague, hun

His gaze travel up to meet hers. She’s the fucking personification of bright colours. She’s warm and happy and way too bright. Of course she annoys him. “No…”

I LOVE THEM!!! I love this quote so much, in all sincerity it was hard to not copy and paste the whole chapter, talk about perfection?

Or maybe this meeting is the endpoint for a part of us that we’re ready to say goodbye to. It could be a stepping stone to something bigger, or maybe it’s the insignificant detail that leads us onwards to the next chapter.

I loved her whole explanation, but chose this part to quote, it was so beautiful, beautifully written, inspiring, I’m gonna be thinking of this quote for a while, thank you.

Bucky stares at her as if in shock. She’s sitting right across from him talking about the beauty of life and fate as if she isn’t outshining it all.

I just can’t-

Bucky stares at her as if in shock. She’s sitting right across from him talking about the beauty of life and fate as if she isn’t outshining it all.

I had to quote this twice…

This?! I feel like this summarizes this chapter perfectly, I loved it so much, your diction it’s out of this world.

I can’t wait to read more, I can’t wait to see Bucky absolutely torn between hiding but also wanting to see her and her bright smile.

@madwitch7 again, I cannot believe you like this so much you want to leave a review so detailed i LOVE you!!!! You always make me feel so good about my writing ❤️ and to think I get the compliments of “mastering imagery” and that my “diction is out of this world” from someone who actually knows their way around language is just so…. ! Can’t describe it any other ways!

My travels are for sure making me the best version of myself and I highly recommend everyone to just saying fuck it and take a break for a while and do what they wanna do. For me, it was getting away for a bit and experience other ways to live life than just working 10 hours a day and go to the gym without any fun - and just like reader, Mexico inpired me so so so much that way! It’s a really nice observation that you see me in reader, thank you for noticing ❤️

The monologue at the end was actually so hard to write because it was for sure something I wish somebody had told me just a month ago so I’m really happy that I managed to convey it in such a way that it’ll sit with you for a while too. Again: honoured!

Thank you my love, appreciate this, appreciate you

… and btw just wait until the first time she touches him; he will combust too



Y’all.  I’m almost done with WEMtbB.  I can’t believe it and have Feelings™ about it.

To the lovely people that have been here since forever, thank you so much for your patience and faith in me.  I’ve been working on this story for 5 years, have made some amazing friends, and wouldn’t trade a single second of it    

Plot:  When you inadvertently become a witness to a murder and are suddenly a target for death, it takes a specially skilled soldier and his team to keep you and your family safe.

Thiswill eventually be a is a reader x Bucky fic. The reader, by the way, is a civilian. No super powers, no fighting skills, and by no means perfect.  

Word count: 5004


For the entire work:  Language (I have a potty mouth), violence, and angst.  This willprobably get pretty dark later on, and there will be smut.  If that’s not your thing, you may want to avoid this story.

Additional warnings specific to this part: Eh, the usual.  Talk of trauma, flashbacks, that sort of stuff.  Some fluff.  Mikhail. 

***I do not own any of the lyrics/music in this story, so please don’t sue me for using them***

Tags moved to the end.

WEMtbB Masterlist

Previously on WEMtbB:

By the time you finally get back to Bucky it’s much later than you’d anticipated and you’re exhausted, but in a good way; for the first time in a long time it’s more physical than emotional or mental.  Shopping with Nat should qualify as an Olympic sport.

Nat pulls the car into the parking garage and nods toward the elevators.  “Your Prince Charming is already waiting for you.”

Following her gaze, you see him leaning against the wall by the elevator.  He looks freshly showered and his brow is furrowed at whatever he’s looking at on his phone, but his smile is warm when he looks up and his eyes meet yours.

It was only an afternoon, but you’d really missed him.

He walks over to where Nat parks the car and opens the door to help you out before pulling you into a tight hug.  

Neither of you says anything.  You don’t have to; you can feel each other’s relief and fierce pride at having made this first big step in healing.  

Keep reading

Sis, I tell you, the way I HOLLERED when I saw this notification I’ve thought about it multiple times and honestly can’t get over how long you’ve been telling this tale! You’ve got stamina and patience and the story telling ability most of us will never achieve.

These two characters are the bees knees, they own my heart and every new installment just gives me another dose of serotonin. The way they’re aware of each other, the needs of the other, how they’re quick to apologize and forgive? Dream team.

Thank you for not giving up on them!

I will never give up on them!  This was the very first thing I ever posted here, my very first story ever well except my power rangers fanfic that i wrote when i was like 12, but there is no proof of that.  Writing this story got me through a LOT of shit over the years.  They hold a very special place in my heart <3
