#i dont get around to new musicshowsetc very often heh


Think it’s been years since I’ve done one of these!

tagged by @elektroyu

suggestion: tag 9 people you’re interested in getting to know better

favourite color: All time fave(s)? Turquoise. Copper. Also very partial to oranges and yellows and select shades of green.

currently reading:   “Why Evolution Is True” by Jerry Coyne. I regrettably don’t read a lot these days, but I blame time management and my choice of hobbies.

last song:  An endless blur of Cocteau Twins these days, but I’m terribly partial to “Serpentskirt” lately.

last series:  Potentially too many answers because I watch series in bits and pieces. But as far as recently finished, “Killing Eve.” 

last movie:   In terms of which movie I put on myself to watch? Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.

sweet/spicy/savory:   Savory (I’m a sucker for salt), and spice is always nice. I’m pickiest about sweet flavors; it’d better be fruit-flavored.

currently working on: Still polishing that last bald eagle piece up, getting the garden slowly up and running, and trying to be a better me. But mostly I’m asleep all the time now.

I’m too insecure to tag people, so heh… yeah!
