#i don’t really have anything profound to say


in one of my high school english classes, we did a debate where the topic was hb2, which was a bill NC passed in 2016 that had a lot of anti-lgbt components but most specifically was the “bathroom bill” that forced people to use the bathroom of their birth gender. luckily, most people in my class agreed that it was horrible, but some people insisted that it was necessary to protect women. my biggest point against them was that it was never about protecting women. it was always about targeting trans people. if they cared about women being safe, there’s plenty of other things the government could do to be more efficient. like actually hold r*pists accountable.

i think the potential overturning of roe v wade proves that nothing the government has ever done has been to keep women safe (not that i didn’t know that already). if they actually cared about protecting women from r*pe in 2016, they wouldn’t be trying to take away our rights now.
