#i enjoy romance and shipping





Why is it SO HARD to find good Mandalorian fics that aren’t NSFW? Yall I just want some non-romantic fics about Din and the crew :|

Thoughts?? Should i just write one instead? I probably will if it’s requested enough :)

Yes you should write some! But also, check out the #noromo mando tag here on Tumblr. And a great place to start on AO3 is the Noromo Mando Gift Exchange from last year. Oh and the @dankfarrikdrabbles mini-fics often are non-romantic, too.

Here are my own Mando fics if you’re interested, almost entirely SFW and not a romance story in the bunch.

Hope you find what you’re looking for–or add your own stories so there’s more for the rest of us to read!

*waves* There are indeed some of us that just write genfic for the Mandalorian! Here’s my stories - about 50 of them, give or take a few. My sympathies — it was really hard for me to find gen content last year too and it was only after a lot of hunting I found some folks with the same tastes. Definitely check out @bethagain’s work, and the gift exchange on AO3!

Yo!!@fanfoolishnessand@bethagain  are the absolute best!!! Feelings, emotions, friendships. I could roll around in their writing all day and frequently have! @hhikeand@azertyrobaz also will do some amazing noromo things mixed in with their other writing!

And@dankfarrikdrabbles​ is always open to anyone looking for writing prompts and the prompts are kept to neutral ones that you can write as romance or not! Please feel free to hop in!
