#i feel a bit dirty now


Omg I love the Ada roommate headcanon! Could you do the same for Polly? Maybe with a woman a little older/same age as Ada (because we accept age gaps in this household) and her and Polly actually get together in the end? I’d die for that(@vikingsxf​ )

this idea gave me a big gay hard on and honestly I’m so glad you had it; Polly doesn’t get enough love. Ive gone for a younger (Ada age) reader because we definitely support a healthy age gap relationship and i just want to pretend its me who's with polly so. ALSO THIS IS A BIT SMUTTY JUST A LITTLE BIT BUT JUST A WARNING OKAY BABES 

  • you and Ada had been friends since she started at the library
  • you both had a lot in common and she would tell you about her crazy relatives which always kept you entertained
  • obviously you had no clue that the Ada Throne you knew was actually thee Ada Shelby 
  • when you finally do meet her brother in one of his unannounced visits to her flat its a massive shock that your besties family are the notorious Shelby's 
  • she brings you out to meet the other brothers and John and Arthur both take a liking to you
  • when Finn tells Polly about Adas new friend from the city who is breaking hearts all over Birmingham she doesn’t really have much to think 
  • i mean it wouldn’t be the first time the shelby boys lost their heads over a girl (especially dumb and dumber) and it probably won’t be the last
  • but when she gets the pleasure of meeting you she can’t help but understand why the lads lost their heads
  • you’re stunning, not just physically 
  • you’re mind is almost too wise for your years
  • “you’ve got an old soul” 
  • “thank you, Mrs Gray”
  • “its Miss, and call me Pol”
  • you’re around a lot
  • you help in the office with the other women and come for drinks when Tommys in a good mood and feels like having the gang out
  • Polly’s sass making an impression
  • you’re really intimidated by her because she’s just this all knowing mature lady who is also really stunning 
  • she invites you and ada over to have a girly evening 
  • you literally don’t want to go
  • anxious as hell
  • i feel like Polly is one of those people that gives off this no bullshit vibe, so you’re scared to even chat to her just incase you say the wrong thing
  • dressing to impress by buying a new outfit and feeling like a fool for it
  • its the first thing Polly notices when she sees you 
  • “you look ravishing don’t you”
  • literally blushing all over
  • stumbling on your words
  • Ada has no clue whats going on and is so confused
  • maybe even a little jealous? why are you swooning over her auntie so much 
  • Ada gets a surprise phone call and has to leave and you are wanting to leave with her but Polly all nah stay 
  • this is the (best) WORST CASE SCENARIO PEOPLE 
  • in her HoUSE
  • getting drunk to hide the fear but then also getting loose lipped
  • chatting absolute beans with her and she can’t stop laughing at you 
  • Because she loves that you’re a bit scared of her but seeing a more bold side of you kinda turns her on
  • the drinking night becomes a weekly thing
  • you start to relax into Polly presence 
  • seeking comfort in your time in her home 
  • Ada doesn’t even get an invite anymore
  • getting drunk together and her listening while you babble on about literally the most random topics ever
  • you get two whiskies in and start telling her all the facts you know about giraffes or the fall of the Berlin wall
  • and she just loves to sit and watch you 
  • insane tension 
  • a lot of staring 
  • touching but nothing that would cross the friendship line, flirting with it though 
  • her doing you makeup and telling you about the wild things she’s done 
  • thatalmost so close you could kiss but without the kiss tension when she’s in your face putting your lipstick on
  • she says you look good in red, which you don’t believe but at this point she could tell you you looked good in a teletubbie costume and a bitch would be dressed head to toe as Lala
  • she sees you start to push your comfort zones and she loves it 
  • the new found confidence makes her horny as hell
  • Jealous Ada is more jealous when she sees you walking round in Polly’s shade of lipstick 
  • “she must really like you to let you borrow that” - but its LACED IN GAY ANGST BECAUSE WTF HOW DID HER AUNT STEAL YOU 
  • i feel like you make the first move 
  • which isn’t something you or Polly expected
  • like you’ve both been drinking all night and for some reason you start doing vodka shots
  • and this is the good shit vodka were stalking russian standard pissed off your tits shit love
  • and you watch her neck those shots like she’s getting paid by the hour
  • and you just 
  • walk stumble right on over there and fall into her lap 
  • grab that sexy face in both hands and give her the softest kiss she’s ever had in her life
  • it feels like her first kiss ever
  • which is saying something because you betcha that womans had a lot of kisses
  • polly doesnt know how to respond she’s SHOOK 
  • she doesn’t even close her eyes she’s like 
  • literally frozen in shock 
  • pulling straight back
  • whoops
  • suddenly all that drunk confidence is gone and you’re hit with that crippling anxiety you get when you’ve done something wrong and been caught for it 
  • Polly grabbing a fist full of your hair and pulling you back down 
  • now she’s KISSING YOU AND OH LORD 
  • passion 
  • she’s not even clumsy when she’s drunk like you are this woman is EXPERIENCED
  • lip biting oh my christ 
  • not that pussyass nibbling but actual biting 
  • and tongue 
  • and i mean after that loves theres no going back really is there
  • finding your confidence again or maybe just horniness and drifting your hand under her skirt
  • your newfound confidence surprises her but she refuses to let you know that because hello she’s Polly fucking Gray 
  • “dont start something you can’t finish, little dove”
  • “do you want me to stop?”
  • “i didn’t say that”
  • this is the START OF SOMETHING NEW
  • leaving her panting and sweating, lipstick smudged and clinging to the arms of the chair
  • i mean once it happens once its a common occurrence loves
  • not that either of you are complaining 
  • not just sex but dates in her living room by the fire
  • walks together arm and arm 
  • nobody really thinks to much of seeing her and you together, either assuming you’re just one of the boys girlfriends or that you’re her niece or something 
  • and they couldn’t be more wrong but their ignorance is bliss
  • she loves how young you make her feel
  • and you love how much she takes care of you
  • i feel like maybe she’s a little nervous of baring all to you; physically and mentally
  • her body is slightly more mature than yours, things aren’t as new and shiny as yours may be; i feel like she’d take some reassurance maybe before she knew that you wouldn’t just leave her for someone your own age
  • not that Polly is one to doubt her self worth but she feels like maybe she’s just a phase for you 
  • you wouldn’t want her any other way though; you love her body and lets be real we all do too 
  • she takes even longer to be open about her memories and past
  • i feel like she slowly but surely reveals more and more about her private life until she can finally trust you with the complete story 
  • the rest of the shelbys know better than to question Polly on her personal choices; but they are happy to see the carefree woman they remember from when they were young 
  • even salty Ada can see the happiness you bring out in her, although she doesn’t want to admit it to herself
  • Polly buys lingerie for you all the time 
  • being bratty and flashing your bra strap to her in public places 
  • or grabbing her hand and running it under your dress until she can feel the lace of your underwear when you’re both out in the Garrison 
  • she has this “wait until i get you home” look that you’ll do anything to provoke 
  • she teases you until you beg for her to let you finish as punishment 
  • “you see what you get for being naughty, y/n?”
  • she likes it when you ride her face, because although Polly is still in control she likes to put you in a position of power
  • and she likes to be able to see all of you when you’re close to the edge
  • angry sex, because lets be real Polly can be a snappy little bitch and when you both get angry what better way is there to solve the issue than rough lesbian sex 
  • she loves your smile 
  • and your giggle
  • it makes her feel like a teenager all over again 
  • nobody really understands how you put up with such a intimidating, dominating woman everyday but they don’t see cuddly Polly who likes to be little spoon 
  • she does her very best to keep you out of the family business and always will because you’re one of the only people on earth Polly couldn’t live without 
  • you often joke about how Polly would just move in after you but she knows that after you there would be nobody else for her
  • “without you my little doll, i couldn’t be me” 
  • lots of lap sitting 
  • hair stroking  
  • the sweetest kisses; she tastes of cherry and whisky
  • she says you’re like pink gin, sweet tasting and extremely intoxicating 
  • Polly had given up on love until she found you, and now she’s got you best believe she will spend the rest of time she has on earth making sure she keeps you 

Alrighty then, so I’m not gonna lie out of the whole show i definitely sleep on John the most? i don’t know why though because the mans a SALT and just an all round geezer. Anyway, i hope you enjoy! 



  • he sees you out somewhere 
  • like if you work in a cafe or bakery or something 
  • tries to slip you his number because he’s a slick boy 
  • and i feel like at first maybe you’re not interested because like
  • he’s a Shelby you know so, angst 
  • or maybe you’re just playing hard to get you know 
  • so he just comes back everyday 
  • same time, day in, day out
  • it doesn’t take long for his jokes to get to you and you start to come round to the idea of going on a date with him
  • does this mean you’ll stop harassing me in my place of work?
  • no promises, love’
  • he’s literally always smiling when he’s with you
  • even when youre not there and he’s just thinking about you 
  • bragging to his brothers about how he’s pulled the best bird in all of Birmingham 
  • Arthur and Tommy taking bets on whether you exist or not because  they are still get to see real proof of you being a real person
  • because he never takes you round the peakys
  • tries to keep you away from all that business as long as possible
  • you think its because youre just some bit on the side and he doesn’t want to introduce you to his family 
  • he’s actually scared of you finding out what he’s really like
  • not that he would ever admit he’s scared of anything 
  • he knows you are too good for him and he doesn’t want you to run away and find someone better
  • because baby boy feels b l e s s e d
  • and John has some ‘baggage’ - as he would see it
  • he 100% knows his brothers will say something to screw it up too
  • and if not them then a drunken Ada or Polly
  •  you probably have had enough of all his secrecy one night and have a go 
  • youre just better than that love, you deserve more than that and i don’t want to lose you because I’m selfish
  • he probably takes a lot of reassuring that he’s good enough for you
  • even then i don’t think he will ever actually believe that he actually deservessomeone who he sees as so special 
  • hes also probably very nervous of introducing you to his kids
  • that a whole lot
  • i feel like he’d avoid telling you about therefor as long as possible
  • not because he’s ashamed but he’s worried its too much for you
  • when he does tell you he makes a massive thing of it and youre just like
  • okay?
  • a man youve only been seeing for like a few weeks has kids? not partially earth shattering news
  • you want to meet them but understand that it should wait so they don’t get confused 
  • understanding way he’s so secretive about his personal life and feeling blessed when he feels comfortable enough to share information with you
  • you open up to him a lot too, because who doesn’t have past  
  • he grows to not hate feeling vulnerable around you, but he probably never enjoys it 
  • he wants to still be big bad John, but he also wants to show you all the little bits of his life he’s never wanted to share with someone before 
  • so one night when youre out on some fancy date in some expensive restaurant 
  • and Johns wearing his best shirt or the  only one without some blood stainage somewhere  visible
  • you can’t ignore how out of place he looks anymore
  • take me somewhere you loved as a kid’
  • and instead of arguing he takes you up the cut
  • tells you about all the fun him and his brothers had round here before the war
  • sitting in under the stars with him there and getting mud on your fancy clothes
  • Johns a hopeless romantic okay 
  • he knows right then and there he’s going to make you his wife
  • him introducing you to Tommy and Arthur first 
  • right in the deep end tbh 
  • Arthur is just surprised you actually exist tbh
  • and mad he’s lost a tenner 
  • them telling you all about the stupid shit he’s done 
  • laughing so much with them your whole tummy literally aches 
  • then its Polly and Ada - which is what youre most nervous for
  • they love you straight away though
  • you are the ying to Johns yang and they can see how you bounce of each other and they very much approve 
  • Adas inviting you round to hers for some proper one on one girl time 
  • Pollys probably planning her outfit for the wedding 
  • she’s also planning your dress
  • i feel like all the brothers would just forget to formally introduce you to Finn
  • like you’d just meet him at some point anyway they just don’t think to introduce him properly 
  • like poor Finn honestly
  • You meet his kids lads and i feel like John has some sleepless nights about this
  • because like yer you might likekids but are you ready to be a mother?
  • they love you straight away
  • you love them
  • when he finally gets them off you long enough for you to leave they won’t stop asking when youre coming back 
  • kinda pissed that they seem to love you more than him
  • him never keeping you away from his family again
  • keeps you out of the business side of things 
  • all he wants to do is protect you 
  • moving to the country with him
  • you tell him about how when you were little you used to dream of living in the country and riding unicorns 
  • so he just goes out and buys you a horse
  • John why is there a horse in the garden?”
  • well i couldn’t find any unicorns
  • (insert John smirk here)
  • riding with him on summer nights
  • waking up to the kids in the bed with you 
  • John loves seeing you all snuggled up with them
  • makes it impossible for him to leave the bed
  • he’s never known love like this
  • he met his first wife when they were young and everything was so fast and new
  • and then after losing her he was a bit of a player
  • never settling for any one girl
  • but now all he wants is to come home to you forever. 
  • he marries you a soon as you will let him
  • its a BIG wedding like his whole family is there and so are yours and all the kids friends 
  • he still can’t believe he managed to make someone like you his and he wants everyone to see it happen
  • he cries when he sees you coming down the aisle 
  • like UGLY cries and everyones shocked
  • including you 
  • Arthur is gasping for air because he’s laughing at him so hard
  • he just loves you so much and seeing you in your white dress and flowers in your hair is just all a bit too much for him OKAY
  • he will never live this down though, his brothers make sure of that

Okay so lets get a bit smuttyyyyy

  • just want to get this out the way but 
  • johns got a big dick okay 
  • i dont make the rules 
  • anyway
  • hes deffo got a breeding kink 
  • wants you to have loads of his babies 
  • deffo very sexually attracted to pregnant you 
  • he just loves the whole idea of it 
  • other than that i don’t think he’s that kinky 
  • maybe sex at work - like in the office 
  • but its more just because he literally love shaving sex with you, he doesn’t care about the time or place 
  • hes not more turned on because he’s in the office 
  • it just is what it is 
  • big giver
  • loves going down on you 
  • he just loves the power of making you squirm you know 
  • probably a bit of a teaser 
  • and love being teased 
  • although he’s quite crass i feel like he’s good at hiding how turned on he is in public
  • like if youre deliberately trying to get him hard
  • he won’t let it show that youre getting under his skin
  • but when you get home 
  • oh boy 
  • good luck to you 
  • hope you don’t have to walk anywhere the next day 
  • hes definitely loud when he  can be
  • at home he’s used to holding it all in because the kids are in the next room
  • but like when you guys are away in a hotel or something everyone on that floor hears way more than they would like too
  • your first Christmas together you go to Tommy’s for dinner and end up drinking late into the night and staying over
  • nobody can look at you the same the next morning 
  • and now theres a yearly argument over who has to sleep in the room closest to yours and Johns 