#i fell out last year



Hello, everyone! Because I want this year to be the biggest, best, and most involved version of the event yet, we’re starting to put things together now! Due to the pandemic and other outlaying problems, last year’s event had a fair few bumps… And this year, I’m aiming to not only fix it, but to continuing the trend of improving on the festival!

I’ve put the link to a poll below, and I would LOVE for you all to fill it out, so I know EXACTLY what you want to see brought to the festival this year!


Later this week, you can expect to see the theme of this blog change, reflecting the announcement of the Summerfest’s theme. As with the prior years, the event will run for the entire length of August, and will be focused on bolstering this community, your writing projects, and our love for writing.

Everything mentioned in the poll are suggestions that were given to me by this community last year, so before I begin implementing them, I’m looking to see if there’s still a community interest for them!
