#i forgot the tags-


Yea! Here it is, im still there! TW: broken ribs, mention of death, blood, swearing. Be safe <3

Hero was trying to understand what them just saw. Villain was walking in a street, alone and looking drunk. They was holding their side and was pulling ther mask off, that Hero supossed to be to breath better. 

“Ok, don’t heal, don’t stitch… it.” Villain said, with a weak groan. Hero jumped to their side, smiling so brightly that Villain, even with their incoherent thoughts and the killer pain in their ribs, smiled back. 

“What are you doing there? It’s late.” Hero said, receving a violent shiver from Villain’s body, after them take one more step. To be honest, Villain and Hero didn’t hate each other, they just fight because SuperHero said to Hero that if they don’t, their career like hero will go down until be nothing. And Hero was afraid of that.

“Don’t worry, it’s just-” Villain paused, feeling their hands shook even more, and wet. Wait, what-

With a instant, Hero was with their arm around their neck, beginning to walk with a weak Villain. “Stop it, Hero.” Hero didn’t stop. “Hero, we will-” Villain stopped after the both heard something flying above them. Villain took their arm off of their neck and eyed above, seeing that Hero already was in a build, looking for what just passed by them. 

Villain was ok, until Hero froze. That was SuperHero, having a aparently nice conversation with Hero. 

While, Villain walked to a alley, feeling that their legs can give up any moment. They sat, holding their sides. Maybe two or three ribs broken, a stab wound and a tiredness that was beating Villain up. 

They didn’t know how much time passed, but when Villain knew it, Hero already was with their hand in their sides, looking for more wounds. Villain almost panicked when Hero pulled a first aid kit. 

“No, no, please.” Villain said. Their throat dry from how much they had screamed. 

“… What? I am trying to help you.” Hero said, and Villain only nodded, resting their head in the brick wall that they was leaning. 

“I know.” Villain said, almost a whisper. Hero sat besides them, with their first aid kit in their hands, looking to Villain.

“Why you didn’t let me stitch you up?” Hero said, low, and Villain turned their eyes to them, and Hero almost cried from how much tiredness was in there. 

“It is keeping me from panic. And with broken ribs, it will be…” A stop for breath, and for close their eyes. “Not nice.” Villain finished with a whisper, and let their body lean close to Hero, and it was warm and confortable.

“It is a… strange way to keeps you calm.” Hero said, and all they recived was only a soft breathing. “Well… shit.” 


Hero was cleaning Villain’ bloodied body, and a soft knock in their door made them look up, and open the door. In the other side was Sidekick, who was smiling and stepping inside the house. Hero smiled softly back, guiding the two to Hero’s bedroom.

“So… I want you to not panic, alright?” Hero said, leaving a confused Sidekick to see Villain in Hero’s bed, awake but weak. 

“What.” It was all that Sidekick let out, coming closer to Villain, putting one hand in the side of their neck. Their pulse was slow and weak, but it was there. 

“How- w- Hero?!” Sidekick yelled, and eyed Hero, who already was in their task of cleaning the blood again. 

“They was walking alone, and SuperHero almost caught them in the street, if it wasn’t me there, Villain was already dead. Now help me.” 

After half of a hour, Sidekick and Hero finished, and Villain was waking up. When their senses become more sharp, the panic installed itself in Villain’s chest.

It will be a long night. 
