#i found my kindle charger at least




The flotillas of the dead sailed around the world on underwater rivers.
Very nearly nobody knew about them. But the theory is easy to understand. It runs: the sea is, after all, in many respects, only a wetter form of air. And it is known that air is heavier the lower you go and lighter the higher you fly. As a storm-tossed ship founders and sinks, therefore, it must reach a depth where the water below it is just viscous enough to stop its fall.
In short, it stops sinking and ends up floating on an underwater surface, beyond the reach of the storms bu far above the ocean floor.
It’s calm there. Dead calm.
Some stricken ships have rigging; some even have sails. Many still have crew, tangled in the rigging or lashed to the wheel.
But the voyages still continue, aimlessly, with no harbor in sight, because there are currents under the ocean, and so the dead ships with their skeleton crews sail on around the world, over sunken cities and between drowned mountains, until rot and shipworms eat them away and they disintegrate.
Sometimes an anchor drops, all the way to the dark, cold calmness of the abyssal plain, and disturbs the stillness of centuries by throwing up a cloud of silt.
One nearly hit Anghammarad, where he sat watching the ships drift by, far overhead.
He remembered it, because it was the only really interesting thing to happen in the last nine thousand years.

– Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

The full quote from the Discworld post from earlier

This seems like a good time to mention that if you are into fantastical worlds filled with outrageous characters and wild locations that host long-form mostly-independent but connected stories (often parodying well-known classic media properties and fantasy tropes) about a bunch of lovable misfits with a running theme of standing up to/ ultimately dismantling the corrupt power structures that serve oppressive regimes

you might enjoy One Piece

(and if you already enjoy One Piece you will enjoy @onepiecescience)
