#i got a lil teary just writing this









a lot of pieces of media will show characters catching fireflies with just their bare hands. in some cases they will just land on the persons fingers. to gently be placed inside of a jar..

for people who live in areas who don’t have fireflies, i want you to know that is not made up or exaggerated for those scenes. fireflies are really like that. they are slow and not cautious at all. while camping i would just walk up to one flying in the air and grab it. and it would sit on my hands like “oh ok.” they are my friends.

also i think it’s funny when fireflies are portrayed as round light bulb-ish shapes. they are skinny.

also their butts are yellow even when not lit up. they’re not just all black until suddenly lighting up yellow! they always got little yellow asses!

they are such friends

fireflies our beloveds <3

Thought people might appreciate this video I got of a firefly that landed on my mom’s ring and sat there flashing for about a good minute or two. They really are just like that

I’ve had to let a couple people know that fireflies are in fact real.

If you’re one of todays lucky ten thousand, i’m happy for you. The world is a marvelous place <3
