#i gotta get on our starter chief



“I thought that was you! How are you doing, and how are studies going?” It slips his mind for a brief  moment that he is actually out on duty to deliver out flyers to passerby’s, but only for one moment. “Ah… I have some news. Here,” the piece of paper explains everything. “I’m not sure if there will be much time for me to study regularly, I was– uh… offered a contract here.” He is hesitant to voice it out loud. “But I hope that we can find time anyway,” he makes a wish.

When Jaemin spots his friend Taeyang on the street handing out fliers, he immediately stops dead in his tracks and flashes a funny pose. Luckily, he doesn’t have to hold it for too long, as his friend spots him. “Yo, Taeyang!” He cheers as he jogs up to him. He’s missed his study buddy. Even if their study sessions weren’t always productive due to Jaemin constantly chatting, they still helped him at least get some of his work done. “Bro, I’ve missed you! I’m way less motivated now that we don’t study as much. How am I supposed to study alone?” The younger whines, pretending to sniffle. He snaps out of his playful teasing, when he takes the flyer.

Jaemin had received a flyer earlier from another boy. Nevertheless, he’s shocked when he glances over the content. With wide eyes, he lets out a surprised, “What?” Melodramatically, he snaps his head from the flyer to Taeyang and back. His surprised face expands into a big smile. “Congratulations! I’m so proud of you!” He excitedly pats his friend on the shoulder. While he’s proud of his friend, Jaemin can’t help but also feel a bit dejected about the situation. Regardless, he’s overall happy to see his friend succeed and hopes he can catch up to him. “We gotta find time to not just study but hang out! You have to teach me your secret to get into the industry.”
