#nj paras



it takes a while for her to get her drink, busy morning and all, but she manages to get her drink without having to confront a barista. it’s not like she was going to unleash her usual king queen kang wrath on them. as a minimum wage employee herself, she knew the struggleof customers blaming everything on her. she takes a sip and there’s no issue with her drink, so she makes her way to the strange boy’s table and takes the chair across from him as her seat. as she puts her drink and workbook down on the table, she opens her bag and grabs her pencil pouch before closing it and putting it behind her chair, the straps holding onto the chair by hanging on them. “who are you, by the way?” she asks. “you never introduced yourself. kinda wanna know who you are if you’re going to tutor me.” she could’ve been a little more polite when asking for his name, but she doesn’t notice it being toorude, so she goes with it.

As he mentally prepares himself for his “student,” Jaemin reminisces about high school. It hasn’t been that long since he was in it but it still feels like ages ago. He barely can remember what math class he took in grade 10. Regardless, it isn’t the classes that he remembers; it’s the people. Falling into a clique was seamless for Jaemin, due to his innate desire to please and be the center of attention. His boisterous personality definitely brought the other loud-mouthed kids to his social circle but Jaemin was and still is a competitive nerd. With parents that are both in the medical field, he had to work hard and get the best grades, no matter the cost. This certainly led to some rivalries and enemies. Luckily, none of those enemies from high school have come forward yet to seek their revenge.

Popping out of his thought bubble, Jaemin sits up straighter and turns his attention to the younger girl. While she takes out her things, Jaemin scans her over. With her clear skin, round face, and perfect hair, a pang hits his chest. Is this really what high schoolers look like nowadays? They look like babies! Such a cute baby face but then suddenly… a sharp personality. Jaemin at first thinks his “student” is being rude to her old “teacher,” but then reminisces once again to his high school days. He tried to appease everyone, even if they were weird, to benefit himself. Somehow, this girl’s honest, brash remarks are more respectable than his secretly selfish flattery from back then. Either way, this girl is an intimidating high schooler!

“I’m Na Jaemin,” he casually responds, brushing off the informality from the other. He thinks about extending his hand for a handshake, but then decides not to. Being relatable is what’s going to get this student on her good side, right? “I’m a Computer Science major at SKKU. I’ve been there for about two years now, which is crazy. Feels like just yesterday I was in your shoes!” Hoping to get a little information to work with, he quizzes the girl. “What about you? What’s your name? Tell me about yourself.” That last request is always the worst so he revises his request. “Or better yet, tell me what you want to do after high school. Do you know yet?” Whatever this girl answers, he already knows she’s going to be a beast at it. Confidence like hers takes people to far places. Hopefully he can at least be a stepping stone to get there.


The coffee is most certainly needed and almost immediately, he sips from it, and realise that Jaemin has unfortunately waited for a good while. He scrunches his nose in response to the question rather than answering it, knowing well that the other is just joking around. “I’m sorry though, I have to cram all classes early and it’s just too much already.” He indirectly reveal it being a difficult transition from having one busy schedule to two busy schedules, and he has a feeling that they might need more coffee through their session. “Shall we find a place to sit down? And I can get us some more to drink,” he then suggests,

Jaemin is never afraid to admit that he can be a bit… extra. As someone who always sees himself as a background character dying to be the protagonist, it’s what he does to try and get people to remember him. An extrovert without an outlet is dangerous, so might as well get all of that social energy as often as possible. Some people find his flamboyant personality as a nuisance or an obvious attempt at trying to be the center of attention. They’re usually not wrong about the latter. Jaemin usually doesn’t care though. His natural desire to keep the peace prevents him from blowing up at people that sneer at him. On top of that, he is his favorite comedian. If no one is going to laugh at his jokes, he might as well laugh at his own!

Luckily, Taeyang seems to get a laugh out of his whacky jokes. Jaemin laughs harder at Taeyang’s snort than his own joke. Settling down a bit, Jaemin is surprised at his friend’s apology. Maybe his jokes came off as actual insults to Taeyang’s busy schedule. Jaemin furrows his eyebrows, worried for his friend. Jaemin’s main desire is to be an idol but there is no denying that the road to it is a rocky one. Reading about all of the grueling training they have to go through is one thing but being a trainee and a student… Jaemin’s surprised that Taeyang is even able to meet with him. Before Jaemin can interject with his own apology and hopefully pick Taeyang’s brain about his wellbeing, his friend suggests they settle somewhere. Hoping to cheer his friend up, Jaemin goofily wiggles his eyebrows. “You know I’ll always need more to drink, ‘cause I’m always spilling tea.” How many “spill the tea” jokes has Jaemin made this past month?

As they walk into the library, the overwhelming amount of people stops Jaemin in his tracks. The modern library must be attracting people from other places here. He’s never seen it this busy! There’s no way they can study efficiently with so many distractions… well, maybe Taeyang could but Jaemin will be wanting to eavesdrop every two seconds. For once, Jaemin is thankful he spent literal days in the library during finals. Without a word, Jaemin drags Taeyang to the elevator. As they get in, he explains, “I found a good spot on the top floor that’s quiet and has a good view.” They step out and Jaemin leads Taeyang down a hallway until they’re met with one of the SKKU library’s signature windows. There’s a long table big enough for a lot of people, but no one is there. Collapsing into his chair, Jaemin takes a swig of his coffee and sighs. “So, what do you have to study for?”


he was never a slow eater, so he was able to swallow down his food fast before he hears the compliment given from jaemin. otherwise, jaemin wouldn’t be the only one dying from a bowl of noodles. “you are too kind,” he says, stuffing his mouth with more noodles. as he gets it all in his mouth, he tries to talk without showing his mouth of noodles so that jaemin doesn’t get to see seefood(that’s a good one). “you’re good-lookin’ too, bro! don’t be sho hard on yourshelf.”he manages to swallow down the food and he speaks clearly now. “i don’t think i have much idol potential anyway.” thanks to mom and dad, anyway. he’s stillin his music writing block. “we can be nobodies in peace.”

While Jaemin and Yeonjun are bros, Jaemin always is eager to try his best at keeping things interesting. Lately he hasn’t had much to talk about with classes and all. To be honest, things are usually slow in his life so he appreciates that Yeonjun’s eyes seem to get a twinkle in them, even if it’s just about Convex. He eagerly nods along as he listens to his friend muse about their stylist. Suddenly Jaemin remembers a phrase his sister Hayun would say: “You can’t style a good looking face without a good base!” He blurts it out without thinking. “I mean, those guys are naturally handsome. You and them both have that good base. Their music is good but they could probably win just on looks alone. It’s somewhat unfair,” he thinks out loud. Flipping his hair, he frames his face, “Some of us have to work for these beautiful looks.”

He raises an eyebrow at his friend’s lack of claim to fame. “You sure you don’t have that potential? I think you do!” He puts his head in his hands as he thinks. “I wouldn’t mind being a nobody with you bro but…” Jaemin trails off his sentence. “What are we missing to get us that potential?” Yeonjun’s has the looks and Jaemin doesn’t think he’s half-bad looking himself. Is it just natural talent? As Jaemin thinks, he plays with a noodle in his bowl using his chopstick. “Is it something that people are born with?” He pouts to himself. If that’s the case, then he’s screwed! Frustrated with that idea, Jaemin puts his head in his hands. “Come on, man! We gotta do something!” He grumbles both to Yeonjun and somewhat to himself.

As dejected as he looks, Jaemin’s brain is really running a marathon. As ideas zoom through his head, he tries to come up with the best solution. Jaemin may seem illogical but he is a computer scientist. Logic is a key component to being successful in the field and luckily Jaemin’s brain always tries to find a logical solution. When he finally manages to grasp at a logical but somewhat ridiculous idea, he shoots up in his chair. “I got it!” There’s a saying to match his thought but he just can’t seem to put his finger on it. If you can’t beat them… If you can’t beat them, try frying them? “We gotta go turn ourselves into idols, Yeonjun. First things first, we gotta dress the part.” He shoots him a playful smile and extends his hand. “You down, bro?”


She is about to respond to his outrageous questions when he somehow manage to break his cup, instant karma, perhaps, and so suddenly she is at loss for words and feel like she has to react quickly. While Jaemin head to the counter to fetch himself a new one, Yoohyeon heads over to pick up some napkins to clean up the mess that is all over their table. It is all amusing her greatly, so she can’t help but giggle when he comes back with a brand new drink. “Yeah– let me help you with that, silly. Here,” she carefully slides it over after piercing through it.

Jaemin’s energy levels take a significant dip after spilling his milk tea everywhere. He really needs to learn how to be chill around his friends, but it’s hard! Spending time with friends is something he treasures as he appreciates them making time in their busy schedules, especially one as busy as Yoohyeon’s. Even though Jaemin’s always ready to take the blame for her, he appreciates her acknowledgement that they both could’ve met up more over the Halloween season. It was hard to believe that it’s almost the holiday season; they really haven’t seen each other as much as he’d like! After the whole milk tea ordeal, Jaemin realizes he’s the one talking her ear off, when the whole point of this meeting was so he could hear what his busy friend is up to.

Collapsing in his seat, he lets his more level-headed friend stab the milk tea for him. Almost as flamboyant as a cartoon character, he visibly deflates. “Ah, thank you, Yoohyeon,” he sighs out while putting his hands in prayer. “You didn’t have to clean up my mess. You’re too nice… Where would I be without you?” He whines out as he slumps in his chair to the point where his head is barely visible over the table. He carefully reaches out for his drink, not wanting another fiasco. After a couple of satisfying sips, he lets out a sigh of relief. Maybe drinks are better the second time they’re made? Brushing off the situation, he gets back into his usual jokester mode. “Anyways, no use crying over spilled milk tea.” Wiggling in his chair, he sits back up. “I don’t want to be the one spilling all the tea!”

He raises an eyebrow at his friend, hoping it’ll make her nervous to speak about something. Inching his neck forward and looking in her eyes, he hopes he’s making her think he knows something, even if he has no idea what his friend has been up to. “You got something you want to spill?” He snaps back in his seat. "If you want, I’m willing to do quid pro quo. I probably have some tea to spill… that isn’t my literal drink.” His attempt at being intimidating falls flat when he laughs at his own joke. “I’ll even start. I’ve been thinking about actually getting into this whole idol thing seriously. Rather than just pretending that I can become an idol with my stunning, dashing, handsome looks,” he poses with his hands framing his face, as he makes a goofy grin, “I’ve been like actual dancing! I’ve been learning those awful TikTok dances just cause they’re fun… It’s kind of embarrassing, even if no one is watching, but at least I’m trying.” After a pause, he aggressively points his finger at his friend. “Your turn now! Give me something exciting, Yoohyeon!”


I’m just one humble gamer gal. Nothin’ outta the ordinary. Lets focus on the game, ye? Or y’can gimme more fancy identities, I’d take any. Her user name should usually be a dead give away but with impostors on the servers and people being sceptical, it sometimes so happened someone didn’t believe her.

Lets finish this game, ye? Mc Cree, y’ready for the final?!

Waiting for the mysterious “Yuzuru” to return from spawn, Jaemin tries to hold off the enemy’s DPS as best as he can. He raises an eyebrow in confusion to himself when she laughs at his comment on the name. After hearing her mention that Yuzuru is the same name as a pro-skater, he speaks sourly. “Yeah, I know he’s a skater.” Even Jaemin fanboys over him, the guy’s one of the best pro skaters in the world. “I’m not saying you’re one but are you some sort of celebrity?” He questions the identity of the stranger. Had he been playing with an idol the whole time? He can’t help but feel excited at the thought. The thought distracts him so much that he doesn’t realize that they’re losing.

After she points out the he’s distracted, he shakes his head, snapping back to reality. “Don’t worry, darlin’. I’ll make sure we win. Watch this!” He smooth talks in his cowboy impression. With an melodramatic tap from his ring finger, he beings his ultimate, High Noon. Looking around the map, he lets the targets fall on half of the enemy team. Bam, bam, bam! The shots go off and Jaemin unexpectedly blurts out “Oh, I actually did it!” With a nervous laugh, he corrects himself, “I mean, I meant to do that.” Since he feels like he carried his own for this final push, he bugs the girl once again. “Are you sure you’re just some humble gamer gal?”

The announcer in the game monotonously announces, “Overtime.” Jaemin can’t help but groan, “Man, I already took out half of them!” He tilts his back to stare at the ceiling for a millisecond before snapping it back to the screen. “Hey, Miss Celeb. You going to finish this off?” An idea pops in his head and Jaemin cracks a smirk. He’s sure that she can hear the teasing in his voice, “You want to make a wager? Whichever one of us gets the most eliminations by the end of the game decides the winner.” Even though she can’t see his face, he wiggles his eyebrows. “What are you willing to wager, ma’am?”


so when a boy immediately comes up to her to ask if she wanted tutoring, she was a little startled. it’s not often that a stranger just goes up to you automatically when you’re on your way to get your “brain fuel”. most of the time, people wouldn’t even careto see who goes into starbucks. this guy is either a huge weirdo or he’s just bored out of his mind, which she can understand. plus, the idea of free tutoring wasn’t too bad. “i mean, i guess,” she answers, hoping he takes that as an instant yes. “but can i get my drink first? i don’t really focus if i don’t have coffee in my system.”

Jaemin can’t help but be slightly taken aback when the young high schooler even acknowledges him talking to her. The girl obviously thinks he’s strange but luckily agrees to his free tutoring. She had a good point though; he should’ve approached her after she got her coffee. Well, he’ll save that for the next time. With wide eyes, he nods his head rapidly. “Yes, for sure! Sorry! Go ahead!” He says quickly from a combination of nerves and anxiousness. “I’ll be over here.” After the awkward exchange, he lets out a sigh of relief and slumps down into his seat. That was more stressful than it should’ve been. Why do younger people always feel more intimidating when you’re older?

It’s been awhile since Jaemin’s taken the CSAT, so he quickly Googles the content of the exam. His eyes dart between the girl and his computer screen. Every section is optional but Jaemin took all of them except for the Second Foreign Language/Chinese Characters and Classics. English was more than enough for him, in his mind. The first section is the National Language, which is composed of Speech/Writing, Grammar, Reading, and Literature. From what he remembers, the hardest part for him was the Literature part. It’s frustrating being tested on literature because it can be subjective. That’s why the second section, Mathematics, is probably the section Jaemin can help with the most. He took the Ga portion, due to his pre-determined fate of being a STEM major.

While he rapidly reviews the contents of each section, he begins to wonder what the young girl is planning for after high school. Based on the giant workbook weighing down her bag, she must be planning on at least applying to universities. Which university? What major? Those are questions that many students ask themselves, though Jaemin was an exception because of his parents’ expectations. Before he knows it, he notices that the girl’s coffee order is ready. He quickly closes all his tabs, save for some reference material, and puts down his “FREE TUTORING” sign. 

starter for @rkyjun

Slurping down a mouthful of noodles, Jaemin nearly chokes as he listens to his friend, Yeonjun, tell a funny story about his antics on Mario Kart. After a couple of painful coughs, Jaemin pounds on his chest as he coughs out, “Bro, I would’ve saved you from defeat had you hit me up!” He shakes his head in disbelief with a small smile on his face. Yeonjun and Jaemin’s friendship is more like a bromance at this point. The two have many similarities: gamers, university students, and fanboys for idols. Even though they are similar, Jaemin thinks Yeonjun is a bit cooler than him. Not only is Yeonjun older but he’s taller and can actually pull off unusual yet signature blue hair.

Had it not been for Jaemin attending SKKU, he would bug his friend every day. Luckily, they seem to make time together. No matter the place or time, it’s always the same back and forth of them trying to out compliment each other or make the other laugh so hard they choke. “Random question, broski, but did you see the teasers for CONVEX? They look so… cool. Wish I could be like those guys.” Jaemin says tactfully. Talking about their favorite boy bands leads to him walking on eggshells as he doesn’t want his friend to suspect anything, even though he’s sure Yeonjun would be understanding of his situation.

“I did a cover of a song I kept hearing on TikTok but it was… rough.” He scrunches his nose as he points aggressively with his chopsticks at his friend. “You could be an idol, so easily!” While taking in another mouthful of noodles, Jaemin continues his rambling. “You already got the looks and the style. I’m surprised you haven’t been approached by one of those scouts or whatever you call ‘em.” With a snarky look, he reaches across the table to try to pinch at Yeonjun’s cheeks. “Actually, never become an idol! I need you to be a nobody so I’m not alone!”

charisma starter (5/5) for @yoohyeonrk

It’s finally the weekend, which meant that both Jaemin and Yoohyeon’s schedules are relatively free. Rather than go see a movie where neither one of them can talk, Jaemin had suggested earlier in the week they meet up for some milk tea. He doesn’t go that often and for some reason the sugary drinks had been calling out to him all week. After a bit of bickering, Jaemin pays for their drinks and they sit down. The environment of the cafe is surprisingly luxe yet comfortable, with its plush furniture and fake chandeliers. On one wall is an LED light with “spill the tea” written in bubbly handwriting.

“Aren’t you glad I suggested we go somewhere other than your work?” Jaemin asks, while scrunching his nose. Yoohyeon’s work is a cute comic and cat cafe but it didn’t make sense for him to suggest that they hang out at her work. No way they could gossip with her coworkers lingering around. He hadn’t seen Yoohyeon since Halloween and it’s already the end of November. Projects have piled up for Jaemin, taking up all of the free time he used to have. “I’m glad we got to meet up! We barely got to chat at the Halloween event, which is my bad. I had to take photos of everything.”

Trying to sound nonchalant, Jaemin breaks eye contact to look at the LED sign on the wall. “So, got any tea to spill?” With his lips puckered, his eyes trail back to Yoohyeon. “New man? New drama?” After unwrapping his straw, Jaemin stabs the top of his milk tea with boba, with a bit too much force. The cup breaks open on one side. With a high-pitched scream, Jaemin tries to cover up the hole. “Ah! No!” He rushes to the counter with his drink. After the employee takes his drink and makes him a new one, he quickly runs back to clean up with some napkins. “Maybe you should stab it for me.”

charisma starter (4/5) for @rktaeyang

Jaemin has been waiting at the SKKU Samsung Library for awhile now. After running into Taeyang on the street a couple of days ago, he realized how much he missed his study buddy. With Taeyang busy being a NOVA trainee now, it isn’t surprising that they lost touch. However, Jaemin is insistent. A few spam calls and texts later, Jaemin managed to convince his friend to put some of his precious time aside to meet with him at the library. It isn’t the most glamorous way for the two of them to reconnect again, but Jaemin has a project to work on that can’t be put off until the last minute like he usually does.

They agreed to meet in the morning but it’s getting closer to the afternoon. The two coffees that were in his hand have been reduced to one after Jaemin nervously drank his as he waited. With a heavy sigh, he checks his phone, hoping for a text or a call. There’s nothing. He’s already sent so many texts that he doesn’t know what else to do other than keep sitting on the bench. Even if Taeyang doesn’t show up late or even at all, Jaemin’s determined to wait. After all, it’s a good excuse to procrastinate on his project anyway. Bored, he takes a quick selca. He made sure to style his hair and dress decently in a sweater and bomber jacket, hoping he wouldn’t embarrass his friend.

After checking himself out in the phone’s camera, he turns his head back to the lawn of grass in front of the heavily windowed library. When he catches his friend quickly approaching, Jaemin excitedly hops off of the bench. Like a child, he sprints up to his friend, nearly spilling coffee on himself. "Taeyang oppa! I’m your biggest fan!” He teases as he approaches him. Shoving the coffee in his friend’s hand, he cracks up laughing. “Bro, I thought you were never going to show up. Does this mean I get to post on message boards saying that fame has changed you, even though you’re only a trainee?” He playfully points a finger at the older boy.

charisma starter (3/5) for @rkkdh

Jaemin’s competitive nature can be both his fatal flaw and a blessing. There are a couple factors that determine the outcome: the people, the place, and the competition. There’s always more opportunities for his nature to lead to issues than positive outcomes. If the people he’s going up against aren’t competitive either, then it’s easier for him to irritate them. If the place is small and quiet, then his boisterous personality makes everyone around uncomfortable. Finally, if the competition is over something petty, then Jaemin may take things more seriously than necessary. These are just some of the negative outcomes that Jaemin has experienced time and time again.

Regardless, Jaemin is unapologetic and relies on competition for amusement. Feeling like he needs to release some stress, Jaemin heads to the closest laser tag arena. As he walks in, the nostalgia hits him all at once. He hasn’t been since he was a cocky teenager in high school. His skills were actually decent back then but he’s not so sure about them now. After the group of people he’s matched with get ready, his team heads into the dark arena. There’s limited lighting besides some occasional neon lights or graffiti-esque art on the platforms and walls. Besides the lights on his chest plate, any person would be barely able to see him in his all black outfit.

Whack! A solid hit to his face comes from an enemy’s gun. The hot pain spreads throughout his face as he stumbles back, hand over his face as if it can contain the pain. “What the hell?” He can’t help but shout at the stranger in a shrill voice. When he removes his palm from his eyes, he’s shocked to find a girl about his age instead of a reckless child. “Seriously?” With a blunt face, he shoots her chest plate to at least get a point for the pain. “You deserve that, ya know?”


“I thought that was you! How are you doing, and how are studies going?” It slips his mind for a brief  moment that he is actually out on duty to deliver out flyers to passerby’s, but only for one moment. “Ah… I have some news. Here,” the piece of paper explains everything. “I’m not sure if there will be much time for me to study regularly, I was– uh… offered a contract here.” He is hesitant to voice it out loud. “But I hope that we can find time anyway,” he makes a wish.

When Jaemin spots his friend Taeyang on the street handing out fliers, he immediately stops dead in his tracks and flashes a funny pose. Luckily, he doesn’t have to hold it for too long, as his friend spots him. “Yo, Taeyang!” He cheers as he jogs up to him. He’s missed his study buddy. Even if their study sessions weren’t always productive due to Jaemin constantly chatting, they still helped him at least get some of his work done. “Bro, I’ve missed you! I’m way less motivated now that we don’t study as much. How am I supposed to study alone?” The younger whines, pretending to sniffle. He snaps out of his playful teasing, when he takes the flyer.

Jaemin had received a flyer earlier from another boy. Nevertheless, he’s shocked when he glances over the content. With wide eyes, he lets out a surprised, “What?” Melodramatically, he snaps his head from the flyer to Taeyang and back. His surprised face expands into a big smile. “Congratulations! I’m so proud of you!” He excitedly pats his friend on the shoulder. While he’s proud of his friend, Jaemin can’t help but also feel a bit dejected about the situation. Regardless, he’s overall happy to see his friend succeed and hopes he can catch up to him. “We gotta find time to not just study but hang out! You have to teach me your secret to get into the industry.”
