#i have much to think upon


Following up on Galadriel vs Sauron and the Fate of Lorien.

THE SCENARIO: Sauron has regained the One Ring! What happens next???

These thoughts came to me… like the sudden strike of lightning…

With the One Ring in Sauron’s possession, Galadriel cannot wear Nenya without falling to thralldom. But what of the enchantments that Galadriel laid over Lothlorien using Nenya in the past?

(I believe that Galadriel used a combination of her own native strengths and those of her Ring of Power to create her own version of Melian’s Girdle around Lothlorien – an enchanted circle of protection and concealment. I think that this would have been an established system of spells, maybe using runes of power, so it wasn’t a magical force field that she had to concentrate upon all the time to maintain. She needed to keep her mind free to perceive Sauron’s thoughts concerning the elves, after all.)

While Sauron can control the wearer of a Ring of Power, I don’t think he can control the Ring itself from afar if no one is wearing it. So he couldn’t just command Nenya to turn off the defenses around Lorien; he would have to command Galadriel to do this. So, therefore, in theory, Lothlorien could remain under the protection of Nenya for an indefinite period of time, IF GALADRIEL DOES NOT PUT ON THE RING.

“Nenya’s power was preservation, protection, and concealment from evil.”
– Tolkien Gateway Wikipedia

The motivation behind the creation of the Rings of Power was so that the elves could halt the effects of time and create a form of heaven (Valinor) on earth (Letter 131). The elves really, really hated the Second Law of Thermodynamics, and sought to bypass entropy, and prevent change from occurring. Since Nenya was created with these ideas in mind, I suppose it’s theoretically possible that this Ring could continue protecting Lothlorien indefinitely, as a sort of elven perpetual motion machine.

This would effectively mean that Celebrimbor would be achieving revenge upon Sauron FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE, since he was the one who created Nenya.
