#i havent slept in 24 hours and did a 9hr shift today



for a moment it felt like she was in the sn project all over again. though this time instead of her own coaches, it’s the producers and staff of the show. she bows respectfully to them all before answering their questions they had to ask.

“who do you think has improved the most?” sunmi, without hesitation, says his name. “kenta. he was a bunch of raw talent that needed to have his rough edges smooth.” although sunmi suspects that kenta was so afraid of her he was willing to listen to any and all direction she gave. like she’s thought from the beginning: he’s genuine. he’s good if he applies himself.

the interviewer asked why she picked him. sunmi answered simply, “i feel like he really got it when i told him there’s a difference between actually performing and just going through the motions of the dance to get it over with.” sunmi knows this but not many contestants seem to realise that their stage presence is so important to how the judges perceive them. it was very obvious to every performer when someone is nervous. that or that they weren’t really selling the performance piece.

“i feel like at some point he really buckled down. i could see a change in him. that’s why i think he’s my pick for most improvement.” sunmi had to pull some teeth to get there but she thinks he came out of it feeling much more confident in himself. “i have high hopes for changbin as well. i think if we focus on his improvements more he can really get some valuable skills. i feel like he and yewon are something special. especially yewon. i expect her to do incredibly well this week.”

now came the notorious song opinion question. she had bad memories with those. “i don’t think it’s a bad song. it’s a little different than what some of them have done so far as well so i think it’s an ability to show what they can do.” the interviewer tries to dig on something juicy but sunmi stands by thinking they didn’t stray too far. “i purposely didn’t pick a song for them because i need them to be aware that i am not their saving grace. they have to swim on their own but i’m pretty confident that my team is doing more swimming than sinking.”
