#i honestly didnt expect someone to reply




does anyone know a spell to bring someone into your life? (story time under cut)

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i am a big fan of spells of this nature! there are few ways to go about this, some will be easier if you possess a name, but if not then no problem.

these are spells i’ve personally used, so i have omitted some details, such as the consecration processes, daily workings, and specific blends—you can replace the generic blends with anything of your choice!

edit:ijust realized in your tags you may not know this person’s name. you can replace any mention of name here with their physical features, an energetic replacement, or a symbol of some sort to represent the person. this will obviously affect the spells, but they’re still workable.

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Thank you so much! This could be helpful to me ❤️ totally wanna try the fruit one (as a closeted witch that one seems the most inconspicuous )
