#i hope update 2 was okay


This map looks familiar? 

Hello it’s been a while since the last real update of Verloren’s progress. I actually been doing a whole lot. For one Chris walking sprite sheet is done.

I’m so happy I finally got this done, but also Chris does have other sprite animations and face expressions dealing with his sprite. I wanted to make this game have live like sprites for every cut scene in game. I wish I could show them off but it would best to keep the hidden. OvO/ Since it’s best for you to see it in game. 

It’s been super fun to finally get a sprite sheet done or finish a map. I’m hoping progress keeps going well for this game. So I could show more updates on the project. I hope this was a enjoyable short update.

But before I leave…. 
I wonder would this aid you on your journey or would it bring you deeper in the mad world leading you to be stuck in the madding Labyrinth. 
