#i just like being part of things










Could we crash tumblr if we all posted the word “crash” on the 1st of april 2022, 12:35 EST?

Everyone schedule


Doing it again since I accidentally put the wrong time zone

So everyone can find their time :3

You may ask, “Jenna, why do you want this? Isn’t there enough suffering in the world?” Well, you are right. But I want to scare the owners of this site. Not @staff, you know damn well they don’t actually call the shots. No, i want to scare the people who make decisions. I want them to know that we can act as a unit and wreck shit on our own accord, that this community can move mountains. I want them to hesitate next time they make an announcement. Popular sovereignty,motherfuckers.

I know most people know this but some people in the notes don’t, so reminder that you don’t have to wake up or anything to post it, just schedule the post like this:

now you just hit the blue schedule and forget about it until the day it happens

oh hell yeah im doing this gamers join us

i love this because everyone ive seen who’s reblogged this is like “yeah okay whatever” like nobody’s really excited about this it’s just something we all feel the need to do because it’s our duty to keep this website as uninhabitable as the fucking mariana trench
