#i just thought this might be helpful to some people


things that helped me realize i was a lesbian (after labeling myself as bi for 3 years)

  • just because you had “crushes” on men in the past doesn’t stop you from being a lesbian
  • and just because that means they weren’t real crushes doesn’t mean that experience means nothing to you now. maybe you wanted to be like them or look like them, maybe they were you’re first queer friend, or maybe you just really wanted to hang out with them. it doesn’t mean all your feeling were fake, just misdirected.
  • it was easy for me to understand than i liked girls, but not that i didn’t like guys. yes it took a while, but the moment it clicked that i liked girl it was like everything made sense, because i had never truly felt like that with guys before. but realizing i didn’t like guys was very difficult and complex, because society loves to think that men have to be the center of all sexuality. (for example, biphobic people often think girls are faking it for attention and are really straight, and that men that come out as bi are really just gay).
  • you definitely don’t need a label if you don’t want! however labels comfort me and i knew i wanted one. i did id as queer for a while which really gave me the flexibility to understand if i liked men or not while still conveying that i liked women.
  • i forced my to think about how far i would potentially go with a guy, but with girls i never did. for example i was like would i date him? would i hold his hand? would i kiss him? exc. exc.
  • despite some of the lesbians who try to convince you otherwise, you don’t have to be sure you would never date a man to id as a lesbian. by all means try out the label. if it doesn’t fit you, it’s no biggie!
  • i remember thinking things like “i wish i was a lesbian cause i wouldn’t have to like men” like if you actually want to be a lesbian not cause men are annoying but because you really don’t want to be in a relationship with one like… that’s a sign.
  • i knew that i was going to stop identifying as bi after one time i said that a celebrity was cute not because i thought he was, but because i didn’t want people to not believe that i was bi. the label didn’t fit me, i was trying to fit it.
  • i was worried about contributing to the awful stereotype that being bi is a phase. but i knew that it wasn’t phase, i was always a lesbian, and just got it wrong. you know that being bi isn’t a phase, and your life doesn’t have to be about defying every stereotype.
  • no one knows you better than you. i remember asking my friends if they thought i was bi or lesbian when i was going through it, and they were like “yeah i’m pretty sure you’re bi” but your the best judge of your sexuality.
  • it’s a pretty crazy realization that you will never seem to have a “typical” life because you will never have a boyfriend or a husband. so really it’s ok to sit on that for a while. don’t force yourself into anything your not ready to do. but you will find the identity that feels best for you, and whether you are bi, lesbian, queer, have no label, or even realize your straight, that’s great! at the time questioning was very stressful for me, but looking back it really helped me to accept myself.