#i just wanna participate in them all p

stellarsparrow: Black Sails Maxanne Appreciation Week 2015June 22nd - 28thFigured it was about time


Black Sails Maxanne Appreciation Week 2015

June 22nd - 28th

Figured it was about time I make this official with about 6 weeks to go for consideration and preparation.

I’m going to suggest some themes, feel free to use them or not as you wish. The important thing is to fill this week with as much beautiful Max and Anne Bonny content as possible.

June 22nd: Favourite quote
June 23rd: Happy Maxanne
June 24th: Angsty Maxanne
June 25th: Favourite scene
June 26th: An AU
June 27th: NSFW day moreso than usual
June 28th: The future for Max & Anne

Graphics, photosets, fanmixes, animated gifs, fanvids, fic, fanart, meta or anything else. The important thing is that we post and reblog these magnificent women all over :) Please tag everything with maxanne or even better, maxanne aw so we don’t miss anything!

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