#ask and you shall receive



  1. Put your music player of choice on shuffle and list the first 10 songs
  2. If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Would you take anyone with you?
  3. What is your preferred writing implement? (eg. Blue pen, pencil, green pen)
  4. Favourite month and why?
  5. Do you have connections to any celebrities (even minor)? List them.
  6. Name 3 items you could pick up from where you are.
  7. What brand logo is closest to you currently?
  8. Do you ever play board games or other non-computer games? Got any favourites?
  9. A musical artist you love that isn’t well known
  10. A musical artist you love that is well known
  11. What is your desktop background currently?
  12. Last person you talked to, and through what you talked to them
  13. First colour name you can think of that isn’t in the rainbow
  14. What timekeeping devices are in the room you are currently in?
  15. What kind of headphones do you use?
  16. What musical artists have you seen perform live?
  17. Does virginity matter to you?
  18. What gaming consoles do you or your family own?
  19. What pets do you have? What are their names?
  20. What’s the best job you’ve ever had?
  21. What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?
  22. What magazines do you read, if any?
  23. Inspiration behind your URL?
  24. Inspiration behind your blog title?
  25. Favourite item of clothing?
  26. Are you friends with any exes?
  27. Name at least one book you loved as a child.
  28. What’s your native language? If that language has distinct regional variations, which variation? (eg. AU English, US English)
  29. What email service do you use?
  30. Is there anything hanging on the walls of the room you are currently in?
  31. What’s your favourite number, and why?
  32. Earliest moment in your life you can remember?
  33. What did you have for dinner yesterday?
  34. How often do you brush your teeth?
  35. What’s your favourite candy/chocolate?
  36. Have you had other blogs on Tumblr? Do you have any other blogs currently?
  37. If you were suddenly really hungry, what would you choose to eat?
  38. What fandoms would you consider yourself a part of?
  39. If you could study anything, what would it be?
  40. Do you use anything on your lips? (eg. Chapstick, gloss, balm, lipstick)
  41. How would you describe your sense of humour?
  42. What things annoy you more than anything else?
  43. What kind of position are you in at the moment?
  44. Do you wear much jewellery?
  45. Who is the leader of your country, currently? Any other levels of government with leaders? (State, region, province, county, district, municipality, etc)
  46. Last 3 blogs on your dashboard, not including any of your own
  47. What do you carry your money in?
  48. Do you enjoy driving? Why or why not?
  49. Longest drive you have ever been on?
  50. Furthest away from home you have ever been?
  51. How many times have you moved house?
  52. What is on the floor of the room you’re currently in, not including furniture?
  53. How many devices do you own which can access the internet?
  54. Is there is anything that is guaranteed to always make you happy?
  55. Is there anything that always makes you sad?
  56. What programs do you currently have open?
  57. What do you associate the colour red with?
  58. Last strong smell you can remember smelling?
  59. Last healthy thing you ate?
  60. Do you drink tea or coffee, and how much per day?
  61. What do you associate the colour blue with?
  62. How long is the closest ruler you can find?
  63. What colour pants/skirt/etc are you currently wearing?
  64. When was the last time you drank water?
  65. How often do you clear your browser history?
  66. Do you believe nude photos can be artistic, rather than erotic?
  67. Ever written fanfiction for anything?
  68. Last formal event you attended
  69. If you had to move your birthday to another date, which one would you choose and why?
  70. Would you prefer to be at a beach or in the countryside?
  71. Roughly how many people live in your town?
  72. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you?
  73. Favourite place to shop? Can be a certain store or a place where there are multiple stores
  74. Do you have a smartphone? What kind? If you don’t, do you want one?
  75. What is your least favourite colour, and why?
  76. How do you spell grey/gray?
  77. Go to your dashboard and describe the image shown in the radar section (below the “Find blogs” link)
  78. What difference is there between how many followers you have, and the number of blogs you follow?
  79. How many posts do you have?
  80. How many posts have you liked?
  81. Do you post mainly reblogs, or your own content?
  82. Do you track any tags?
  83. What time is it currently?
  84. Is there anything you should be doing right now?

Here we are again with another  survey…Maybe this blog is popular enough to submit one successfully?

Well, I’ve already got an answer for #5. My cousin is Josh Rand. My dad, his uncle, wrote the vast majority of Stone Sour’s first songs, including Through Glass

Anons are always cool :) 


Embracing my demons. French kissing them. Might fuck them.




this image is so brutal like war

Tästä tarvitaan Taistelevat metsot -variaatio!

ota 3


Anyone wanna play a fun little ask game?

If you want, send me an ask with up to THREEletters and I’ll write headcanons for the character of your choosing. You can request either NSFW,SFW/Fluff, or a mixture of both. Multiple requests are okay. Both male and female characters welcome. Alphabet links and fandoms below.




Fandoms:MHA/BNHA//Bleach//Haikyuu!!//JJK//Naruto // I’ll consider characters outside of these fandoms if I’m familiar enough with them


Things to include in your ask:

NSFW, SFW/Fluff, or both

Up to 3 letters per ask

One character per ask

Your gender, unless you want me to write for gn!reader


⚠️Please keep in mind that if you request NSFW off anon and you’re not 18+ or you have an ageless blog, I will ignore your request (and block you).

stellarsparrow: Black Sails Maxanne Appreciation Week 2015June 22nd - 28thFigured it was about time


Black Sails Maxanne Appreciation Week 2015

June 22nd - 28th

Figured it was about time I make this official with about 6 weeks to go for consideration and preparation.

I’m going to suggest some themes, feel free to use them or not as you wish. The important thing is to fill this week with as much beautiful Max and Anne Bonny content as possible.

June 22nd: Favourite quote
June 23rd: Happy Maxanne
June 24th: Angsty Maxanne
June 25th: Favourite scene
June 26th: An AU
June 27th: NSFW day moreso than usual
June 28th: The future for Max & Anne

Graphics, photosets, fanmixes, animated gifs, fanvids, fic, fanart, meta or anything else. The important thing is that we post and reblog these magnificent women all over :) Please tag everything with maxanne or even better, maxanne aw so we don’t miss anything!

Post link



So, we have the schedule for the John Silver Appreciation week, to join in with the fandom initiative going on. (Check out the masterpostfor other weeks and fun! :) )

Day 1 - Favourite quote.

Day 2 - Favourite smile (come on, the man has a ton!)

Day 3 - Favourite moment.

Day 4 - Favourite character trait.

Day5 - Favourite accomplice? (eg, Randall, Max, Flint, etc)

Day 6 - Favourite outfit.

Day 7 - Song that suits him best.

Hope you guys can join in, and have a great time with it! :D

The dates for it are 17th-23rd May 2015.

The tag we’ll be using is #jsaw15, so keep an eye out for it!


Thought I’d let you all know, feel free to follow me on other social media :)

Twitter: @melieskeuh (don’t use Twitter that often though)
Snapchat: meliesken
Instagram: melieske

I follow/add back! I love seeing snippets of people’s lives who live across the world :)
