#i know im not enough to a lot of people


Had a conversation today about work that made me realize something. We were talking about how you should try to strive to be the best in what you do to not be disposable and a part of me agrees with it. Practically speaking, if you aren´t unique, anybody can replace you. Making yourself be the best option is part of your survival. 

There´s a part of me that has stopped thinking that in order to keep myself from burning out like I used to so many times over in the past. I rather think my best self for someone and the best for me are a match that doesnt occur often, so when it does I should strive for the best I can do. However, if my best this time isn´t at the same level as my best in another, it doesn´t mean I´m not enough. I will never be enough for everyone and anyone. I can only hope to do the best I can in a given moment.

I do my best everytime I have to work for someone, but that doesn´t mean I will kill myself in order to get to be “good enough” for them. If my best isn´t good enough for them, then it´s fine by me if they search another person. 

I´m replaceable and mediocre, but that doesn´t stop me from giving my best every time I´m given the chance to show my worth. What my best means won´t be the same always.
