#i know this is a what if kind of question

Interviewer: Would you take any calls if another NHL team needs a coach next season? Bowness: “Not right now. No. Am I going to pursue anything? No, I’m not. If somebody calls with something of interest, I suppose I would listen. But Judy and I are well-prepared to move on in life. We have a grandson in Phoenix that we want to spend more time with. So, life has changed a little bit. ... Am I interested in going to a team rebuilding? Absolutely not. If I had a shot at a Stanley Cup -- then I might have to listen to that. But that would be the only draw for me, if I had a really good chance on a team that would be really close to winning a Stanley Cup. I am not interested in any part of a rebuilding team. I’m too old for that.” ALT

the self belief required to assume your résumé holds up enough that Stanley Cup contenders would legitimately include you on their shortlist…
