#but please


They BETTER draw Percy with his doofy ass glasses while he’s inventing something at some point.

For the love of… pre-slash is not the same as pre-relationship! It’s specific to slash, a.k.a. m|m pairings!

Damian/Anya is not pre-slash unless you’ve made a very specific change to one of the characters! If you’re just writing pre-relationship, they’re so cute with their crushes, that’s pre-relationship. Hell, you can even label it pre-het if it’s important to you to be specific! But pre-slash it is not.

And another thing! If you’re writing ANY RELATIONSHIP that is NOTROMANTIC,the proper form is ____&____ or ______+______ NOT ____/_____! The forward slash is for romantic relationships and romantic relationships ONLY! People will not read whatever explanatory tag you add after. They see that /, they go straight to ‘romantic’ and your fic has been effectively blacklisted.


okay this an emergency

i took my cat Cashmere to the vet today for asthma like symptoms and eye inflammation and the visit including medicine and xrays will be $536 and i really do not have that liquid but i need to know what’s wrong with my baby and it would mean so much to help me afford this for her!

my links are:



venmo: sleepisforlovers

please help her!

Interviewer: Would you take any calls if another NHL team needs a coach next season? Bowness: “Not right now. No. Am I going to pursue anything? No, I’m not. If somebody calls with something of interest, I suppose I would listen. But Judy and I are well-prepared to move on in life. We have a grandson in Phoenix that we want to spend more time with. So, life has changed a little bit. ... Am I interested in going to a team rebuilding? Absolutely not. If I had a shot at a Stanley Cup -- then I might have to listen to that. But that would be the only draw for me, if I had a really good chance on a team that would be really close to winning a Stanley Cup. I am not interested in any part of a rebuilding team. I’m too old for that.” ALT

the self belief required to assume your résumé holds up enough that Stanley Cup contenders would legitimately include you on their shortlist…




Hot Take: the moral panic over transgenderism is but the merest foretaste of the out-and-out mass hysteria that will grip much of the world once we finally get transhumanism up and running.


Conservatives:“Trans people will destroy gender norms to create a new species–part human and part machine!”

Well-meaning Liberals: “That’s literally an insane argument.”

Me, a trans woman: “You know what are cool? Cyborgs.”

This is a good look into disabled people’s lives. Like if you have a major disability with assistive anything you probably have a lot in common with trans people seeking medical transition. The rhetoric in the medical system as a reflection of that moral panic is real lol. My grandmother had to fight to get a power chair that she could rarely leave from because a series of doctors wanted her to try more painful but more normal looking assistive things for mobility because “the world doesn’t like electronic assistance, it makes them think about the fears of the computer age and end of humanity too much” that was in like 1997 or 98 or whatever.

Meanwhile myself and other sufferers of chronic pain wonder if elective amputation with prosthetic replacement could alleviate our suffering, or fatigue for CFS sufferers. Because our bodies might look like everyone else’s, as though they work like everyone else’s, but it’s not true. From the inside we see how different we already are.

I don’t really care if it makes the abled, cisgender people feel uncomfortable. They’ll adapt if augmentation is everywhere.

I hope we can perfect neural implants. Maybe that could cure some forms of chronic pain?

Hello everyone! I’m trying to manage my real life and my comeback on tumblr with new Merlin content (yes I want to finish all the Gif sets for every episode) so… while you wait you can come and say hi on my Insta page where I will post about my newfound obsession: Asian drama (most of which are BL but it’s not a surprise right?)

Anyway, if you want to come and say hi or simply share my profile with your friends I will be very happy and grateful

30.03.2018Report and apology regarding my stage appearances on Patalliro in Osaka and Haikyuu.There 30.03.2018Report and apology regarding my stage appearances on Patalliro in Osaka and Haikyuu.There 30.03.2018Report and apology regarding my stage appearances on Patalliro in Osaka and Haikyuu.There 30.03.2018Report and apology regarding my stage appearances on Patalliro in Osaka and Haikyuu.There 30.03.2018Report and apology regarding my stage appearances on Patalliro in Osaka and Haikyuu.There 30.03.2018Report and apology regarding my stage appearances on Patalliro in Osaka and Haikyuu.There


Report and apology regarding my stage appearances on Patalliro in Osaka and Haikyuu.

There is a post made for this on my company’s homepage, but I am also posting here.

Yoshimoto Kouki


Post link


Just rushed Aza to the emergency vet, she’s going to need an operation, and they’re going to keep her for a couple of days…

I’m alone, crying, and fearing the next few days….

I really really need help with money for the bills, please, I don’t know what else to do…


Just 10 dollars from a 100 out of all the people here on Tumblr and i would at least be well on the way…

You might not know me, and yes I will be devastated if I can’t do everything for my cats survival, but don’t donate for me….. do it for her

What I need during the holidays: several days of sleep, silence and heavenly peace.

What I get: My two children, running around the house screaming, swinging their toy lightsabres, and pointing the lasertag guns, re-enacting several battles from TCW while I step into Legos.


uni whatsapp groups are cursed

wish some of my classmates had the ability to read emails 


support graphic content creators, do you know how long it takes for photoshop to even open ?
