#i like this theory





Okay, I know that this will be a blip in the spn tag, but I. Don’t. Care.

My theory: Chuck is inside Jack’s body.

Let. Me. Explain.

Okay, so Chuck can see the future. All possibilities, all realms. Free Will exists and he hates it, but he still knows it can happen.

So what does he do? He plans contingences.

He’s up against the Winchesters. Boys he specifically created to do the impossible. He knows that the 1 in a billion chance that they succeed is an actual possibility. He sees everything. Dean, Sam, and Jack are literally the only beings still left in existence. He must have noticed Jack sucking up life force. He KNOWS that Jack can replace him. So what does he do?

Chuck infuses his God power with his personality.

Amara’s depressed, she’s not doing anything to stop him. Heck, we have precedent with Amara that Chuck is powerful enough to absorb and dominate an equally powerful being. (Which we have not seen that Jack is).

The boys don’t know. Cas is dead. No one will be able to tell.

So Chuck has his fun kicking the boys around and when Jack absorbs his power, he’s actually welcoming a parasite. Chuck takes over Jack while leaving just an iota of his personality behind to power his previous body.

The boys are clueless and Jack does not have enough power to fight back. Chuck is in control.

That’s why Jack does not go back to the bunker! Why he’s content to keep his aunt locked away in his mind!

That’s why Castiel remains in heaven instead of coming back to earth!

That’s why Dean dies on a freaking rusty nail!

Chuck wanted his ending. He’s passing as Jack just enough that people don’t suspect. He’s drinking up the irony of Castiel unable to be with Dean, because he is helping “Jack” rebuild heaven. And Chuck is going to put John riiiight over there just to rub in some salt in Dean’s wounded soul.

The boys, Cas, and the rest of them think that free will won. But no.

Chuck did.

If Dean doesn’t want Chuck’s apple pie life, then he’ll die as daddy’s little instrument.

If Sam didn’t want to stay in hell content in the knowledge he saved his brother, well then he’ll live hell on earth constantly reminded how he couldn’t save Dean.

If Cas wanted Dean to live freely, well too bad boo. You ruined my story.

Chuck’s still writing the story. And The Winchesters don’t even know it.

TLDR: 15x20 was Chuck’s ending because Chuck took over Jack’s body when Jack absorbed his divine power.

You don’t know how scary this post is to me, because I had the exact same thought.

If you look at how Jack stands at the end, it’s not at all how Jack normally stands

Jack’s arms are normally by his sides and slightly in front of him. I always say it’s because of his wings behind him pushing them forward, he’s a bit awkward as he’s also part archangel.

Well this is Jack in the last episode, see how Un-Jack-Like that pose is? It’s just wrong on him, it’s too adult, it’s not like Jack at all

But know who also stands like that?


So could just just be a coincidence? Maybe the director told Alex to stand like that because now he carries the light… then how do you explain this

That shrug is exactly the same

The smile

For reference this is how Jack used to smile

Look at both the eyebrow movement, even in the still, Jack raises his eyebrows when he smiles, look at how Jack actually looks happy. His full face lights up when he smiles. The smile after Jack become god is more a smug smile, his eye brows aren’t even raised. It looks like Chuck’s smile

@studio-hatter please join me in losing my shit about this


I am fully convinced that Father Christmas showed up in Narnia because Frank and Helen brought their Christmas traditions and stories with them from England and shared them with the Narnians. After a few years as part of the communal imagination, Narnia’s magic just sort of Manifested him. He shows up every year as long as Christmas is celebrated in Narnia.

Of course this does suggest a really amusing scenario where Father Christmas shows up for the first time like five to ten years into their reign and all the Narnians are like “Sweet! This is perfectly normal” and meanwhile in the background Frank and Helen are like “??????!!”

#i mean obviously don’t look too hard at the Narnia worldbuilding#it’s a mosaic not a painting#but I actually do think this explanation makes quite a lot of sense#when the world was young it’s magic could cause trees to grow from bits of toffee and lampposts to grow from discarded iron bars#if enough Narnians believed in Santa why shouldn’t he just start showing up?#narnia#pontifications and creations



i had a dream that i took a last minute trip to Bangladesh for 2 days and made some new best friends. its weird because before having this dream i didnt even know that country existed, i legit just had to google it to make sure it was a real place & not something i dreamed up.

You were probably there in a former life…
