#i literally hadnt considered that before i saw this post



now im screaming and crying and throwing up abt the fact that flint’s fate at the end of the show is largely predicated on the degree to which any given viewer trusts silver’s word. this, in turn, depends almost entirely on what any given viewer thinks they know about him or wants to believe that they know about him. like of course. of course that’s how it ends. like we are left to look at flint’s ending through madi’s eyes, through the eyes of someone who once loved silver (a version of silver? which version?) but cannot recognize him any longer—and one of the last questions that the narrative asks is, who was right? who do you think was right? silver or flint? can you know someone without knowing their story? is the past always relevant or can it be irrelevant? is silver lying? if he is, how much is he lying and about which part and why? how can you tell? how do you know? do you know him? how much do you know him? does it matter? and its like please please please i want to get off this ride let me off let me OFF
