#i lost my shit

darkseid:so some local comic book shop accidentally had a shitload of anime girl…. tapestries (I guedarkseid:so some local comic book shop accidentally had a shitload of anime girl…. tapestries (I guedarkseid:so some local comic book shop accidentally had a shitload of anime girl…. tapestries (I gue


so some local comic book shop accidentally had a shitload of anime girl…. tapestries (I guess?) printed and was desperate to get rid of them so now the cat shelter we go to uses them as cat blankets and it leads to many a funny sight

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my dad had a skype interview today so he was sitting in the living room looking all professional in his suit and tie and everything while he’s talking to the people who are interviewing him. and OF COURSE my cat decided that she NEEDED to speak at that moment so she just starts meowing left and right and talking crazy talk to the point where the interviewers just start laughing because she just will NOT shut up. so my dad just kind of sighs, looks at the camera, and goes, “i’m so sorry. i have to ask my cat to leave.” and then he looks over at victoria and very calmly and professionally goes, “victoria, i’m afraid you’re being too loud, and i’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

and she did. she fucking turned and walked out of the living room.

hire the man cats obey.

m night shyamalan WISHES
