#i love broken ribs so much in fics



Whumpee wearing oversized hoodies/sweaters to hide the bandages and wraps covering their chest

White hot pain that explodes through their chest when they cough or sneeze and it makes their eyes burn with tears

They’re reminded how shallowly they’ve been breathing only when they spontaneously take a deep breath and the deep ache flares as they feel the bones shift

It hurts too much to even raise their arms so they’ve been in the same shirt for 3 days before someone notices. 

Whumpee walking around with an arm gingerly cradling their side and randomly groaning under their breath

The adrenaline is wearing off, so when their companion playfully hits them in the side they gasp sharply, stop dead in their tracks and grab their friend as they double over in pain

Being forced to go to medical, sitting on the table and scowling at their friend while the nurse gently cuts off their shirt they weren’t able to remove, to expose the profuse bruising all down one side. Their friend’s face goes from peeved to sympathetically horrified in a heartbeat. 

Even getting out of bed is a struggle but they’ll be damned if they ask for help for such a simple thing
