#i love dream



find the word tag CCCIV

the events of last night: stacked stuff on carts, broke a candle, moved fixtures, stacked towels on carts and then back onto new shelves in a very aesthetically pleasing manner, ate yummy beef soup and a brownie, drank coffee which did nothing, moved more towels, moved more fixtures, swept up a lot of dust bunnies - A LOT - sneezed, yawned and had nonsensical conversations with the rest of the overnight crew until it was time to leave! I put my leggings right into the wash because they were so dusty. @zmwrites

wickedevil(the sleepy stash)

“I don’t wanna say that you’ve colossally misinterpreted things when you’re prepared to kill me but, uh, you really, really missed the point. Like, if the point was a bowl of soup on the table you’d have thought, ‘ah, true sustenance is not merely what we eat, but rather our passion for learning,’ and then spilled the soup on the ground as your stomach rumbled symbolically.”

“You just said that I colossally misinterpreted things.”

“Again, I am hyper aware of the situation I am in, but yeah. If the point was a diamond ring lying in a field you’d have said, ‘ah, creation can exist anywhere, anyone can create,’ instead of assuming someone just lost a ring.”

“You are repeating yourself. I am capable of understanding a point.”

“Not of a distraction, though. Or of the original point which was ‘don’t deal with people who only want to use you’ not ‘mankind is eviland nobody can be trusted,’ dumbass. Hands up.”

dream(waking dream, 2020)

Broken fences, gates unhinged
Smoke is drifting on the wind
Crows are calling, copper gleams
Close my eyes and I can still hear screams

Ember under younger days
Hope for better, bitter taste
Cracking windows, ashy streams
Hold my breath in this waking dream

All this time I was never sorry
Tried to climb but found that this is not my story

Bloody fingers on the wall
Told a tale too long, too tall
Bide my time, wait too long
Waking up to hear the song

Trails away like hanging flames
A pause, now I’m wide awake
How much truth can my dreams take
From me
Before I surrender my sanity

game(I have uses but not feeling them today)

flicker(but what of light, if I fade?, 2020)

the green lights of this town hurt my eyes. I don’t know why they shine so bright. when I look at the puddles they make on the ground beneath them, the effect is small and obscured easily by shadow. I place on shoe in the circle and I am showered in ambiguous glory.

the yellow lights on the train hurt my eyes. I don’t know why they pierce me so. round and round they flicker, one after the other, like they’re shaking hands and dying together. but they don’t go out, rather, they simply go on. I hold up a hand to block out the strain and I am left with a dismal reminder of rain.

the red lights on the water hurt my eyes. I don’t know why they glow so fiercely. even while the currents are so tumultuous and there is no business left for leftover lanterns, the lights bob atop the surface and radiate outward. I touch one of them and I am greeted with a chorus of flickersbefore they all disappear.

the silver lights of my palms hurt my eyes. I don’t know why I can’t shut them off. they don’t hurt me, they just slowly drain me dry and as I perch my tongue on my cracking lips I feel a sense of sorrow. I am only one source of light and after I am gone there will be no one left to think of stars as too bright for the night.

gone, guilt, gift, good. BONUS: greeting, gradual.@enchanted-lightning-aes@blind-the-winds@ink-fireplace-coffee@lend-your-lungs-to-me@writingonesdreams@andiwriteunderthemoon@caitwritesstuff@diphthongsfordays OR ANYBODY
