#i love it very much



okay but geralt after bringing jaskier to kaer morhen for the winter finding out that the bard??? knows a fuckton?? of crafting stuff???

like spinning with a drop spindle and card weaving and frankly fucking INCREDIBLE embroidery??? bc as a young lad his nursemaids were desperate to give him ANYTHING to fidget and use that energy of his on, so he actually?? is pretty good considering the fact that he starts and stops it seasonally? in warm weather he’s trekking all over the continent and performing and has a constant outlet for his energy and attention, so these are just Winter Activities. geralt have you never listened to jaskier talk about ANY of this???

and geralt is just ?????

chachacharlieco: “My Sapphire Star.” Thank you so much for be my best friend. Your art it’s the bestchachacharlieco: “My Sapphire Star.” Thank you so much for be my best friend. Your art it’s the best


“My Sapphire Star.”

Thank you so much for be my best friend. Your art it’s the best in this world.

Thank you for be my inspiration, thank you so much.

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