#i love that shes got daddy issues



toji seeing you and the way you react around him for the first time and thinking, “there’s the daddy issues.”

it was obvious in the way you always sought out his approval, unconsciously turned to him whenever you expected a praise. toji gives them a lot diligently, curating each praise so that you stay unknowing. so that you stay innocent—as innocent as you could still be.

it was also obvious and glaringly loud whenever you fuck up. it was in the way you hunch over, fidgeting with your fingers and waiting to get told off. but also waiting to be told that you are forgiven, that toji is there to help you correct your mistake, that he won’t leave.

and on those days, toji makes sure that he is careful with the way he handles the situation. careful with the way he talks to you. toji would always pull you close to him, sitting you on his lap, tugging on your chin and tipping your head up so your eyes are looking at his.

“you’ll be good for me, wouldn’t you?” he’d ask even though he already knows your answer. but toji would wait silently, beckoning you with such tenderness until you are shakily nodding, fisting at his shirt and promising him something he already knows is set in stone.

then, toji would say, “good girl.” because you are.

(among other things, it’s obvious because toji has it too.)