#arin recs




— haikyuu | best friends with the DuoTM


includes: oikawa & iwaizumi, kenma & kuroo, akaashi & bokuto  

requested: yes | open



✦ Oikawa & Iwaizumi ✦

  • notoriously loud and obstructive in any Public SpaceTM, these two are just as annoying when it’s just the three of you
  • how you met: you moved into their neighbourhood when you were 9 years old. iwaizumi’s house was right across yours and oikawa (nosy brat) saw your family settle in when visiting for a sleepover and crossed the street and asked you to join them. the rest was history. 
  • years later, when you ask him why he did that when he didn’t even know you, he’ll say it’s “because you had that crown on and i wanted it”
  • definitely not because he thought you were pretty and had a crush on you from age 8 till 11

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A SUNDAY KIND OF LOVE, fushiguro toji.

fem!reader x fushiguro toji. office!au. romance. suggestive. bad attempt at fluff. perhaps a tad bit ooc.

+REI SAYS just me easing my way back into being active.this was originally for suguru (for obvious reasons), but i decided to switch it up a little.

“Darlin,” he huffs, concerned. “I dance like I have two left feet—”

“That’s no reason not to dance.”

“—and no left hand—”

“Never bothered me.”

“—and what if someone sees? Prancing around with a precious lil’ thing like you…”

“I’ll lock the door,” you say, your hips swaying side to side seductively as you make your way to the door, locking it before snapping the slats of the glass window shut.

It’s just you and Toji on the 44th floor of the building where his office resides, enjoying the lazy sunday night. He’s sent everyone home— to your pleasure— and the song that plays from vintage record player makes your heart pulsate with an overbearing fondness.

You just can’t resist.

“Come here, you,” you grin, waving him over.

He drops his head, looking all too much like a big puppy as he makes his way to meet you in the middle of the floor. Try as he might to pout, the corners of his mouth pull up of their own accord, scar lifting, when you pull him by his tie, sliding your body flush to his. You grab his wrists and pull them around you, bringing his hands to rest on your lower back.

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i really love the idea of toji being the bigger simp in his relationship with the reader.

like he’s having a hard time expressing his affections, so he’s just clingy and possessive but not in that untrusting way.

fushiguro — “i’ll live for you” — toji because he knows dying is just the easy way out; because he knows that in death, he wouldn’t be with you, so he’ll live. he’ll fight to live for you.

toji never really enjoys coffee or tea on their own, but for some reason they always taste good when you’re making them for him. (“i don’t know babe, they just taste better when you make them for me– no that’s not flattery, i’m for real being honest.”)

whenever he drops you off, toji would always choose the long route back because he wants to spend more time with you.

you mentioned that you like apples in passing, now every time toji meets you, he always gifts you anything made of apples.

toji makes a list of your favourite things. (the list started as a way for toji to impress you but along the way, it helps toji start liking the simple things because, well, they make you happy so now they make him happy too. and with you, his world grows.)

toji rarely uses pet names for you, and later you learn it’s because he loves the way your name sounds and the way it curls at his tongue and the way saying your name out loud gives him immense joy.


toji seeing you and the way you react around him for the first time and thinking, “there’s the daddy issues.”

it was obvious in the way you always sought out his approval, unconsciously turned to him whenever you expected a praise. toji gives them a lot diligently, curating each praise so that you stay unknowing. so that you stay innocent—as innocent as you could still be.

it was also obvious and glaringly loud whenever you fuck up. it was in the way you hunch over, fidgeting with your fingers and waiting to get told off. but also waiting to be told that you are forgiven, that toji is there to help you correct your mistake, that he won’t leave.

and on those days, toji makes sure that he is careful with the way he handles the situation. careful with the way he talks to you. toji would always pull you close to him, sitting you on his lap, tugging on your chin and tipping your head up so your eyes are looking at his.

“you’ll be good for me, wouldn’t you?” he’d ask even though he already knows your answer. but toji would wait silently, beckoning you with such tenderness until you are shakily nodding, fisting at his shirt and promising him something he already knows is set in stone.

then, toji would say, “good girl.” because you are.

(among other things, it’s obvious because toji has it too.)


coffee shop. toji fushiguro

singledad!toji/fem!reader,small megumi, domestic fluff ♡ mostly bittersweet !1k word count.

Toji Fushiguro has a problem. Megumi is a picky eater.

Behind all the frustration, Toji could understand that Megumi wouldn’t touch his burned bacon and flat pancakes, but he had run out of ideas by now. Delivery, street food, snacks; everything returned untouched in Megumi’s lunchbox to be eventually eaten by the father, because nothing went to waste in their tiny household.

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“excuse me, is this your kid?” toji turns to meet sharp eyes and a nasty glare, noticing megumi in the arms of a stranger—said stranger being you—and you certainly don’t look happy. you know he’s the father, there’s no mistaking it. only one man in the grocery store has the same dark hair and eyes, and only one man could be carefree enough to let his child run loose as he stares at the vegetables before him.

“yeah, that’s my runt. why’ve you got ‘im?” he raises a brow at you, making you scoff. thrusting the young boy in your arms at him, you narrow your eyes as the man before you takes his son.

“he was climbing up my legs,” you huff, scowling as he snorts.

“yeah, he’s been doin’ that lately. megumi here is a little handful,” he gently flicks the toddler’s nose, chuckling as the young boy crinkles it. you think if megumi wasn’t so cute, you’d have ripped his nose right off, right along with his father’s.

“well, it’d be nice if he was your handful and not some stranger’s in the grocery store,” you say flatly, a dry smile curling over your lips. megumi babbles incoherently, stretching his arms out for you with a giggle, and toji smirks, sending you a lopsided grin.

“think he likes you,” he shrugs, and you pinch the bridge of your nose, shaking your head. the man before you is utterly unfit to be a father, you think, and though you can certainly see why someone would take part in the baby making process with him, the baby raising part seems a bit of a nightmare by his side.

you can only silently give your condolences to the poor soul.

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